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谨小慎微用英语怎么说 谨小慎微英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-28 01:52:35
  • 142

谨小慎微用英语怎么说 谨小慎微英语翻译

谨小慎微用英语说"be cautious and meticulous",在日常中也可以翻译为"  Cautious",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到94个与谨小慎微相关的翻译和例句。


1. be cautious and meticulous

谨小慎微翻译为be cautious and meticulous。

He was always very discreet about his love affairs.


2.   Cautious

谨小慎微翻译为   Cautious。

He was very cautious about committing himself to anything.


3.   Timid

谨小慎微翻译为   Timid。

He was petty-minded and obsessed with detail.


4. be timid and overcautious

谨小慎微翻译为be timid and overcautious。

示例:- Yes, very timid. - Yes. So timid!



1. meticulousness(谨小慎微)

2. prissy(谨小慎微的 )

3. meticulousnesses(n. 谨小慎微)

4. Tang Shenwei(唐慎微)

5. punctiliousness(n. 一丝不苟;小心翼翼;谨小慎微)


be cautious and meticulous ( 形容谨小慎微的样子 )

armed and meticulous ( 有武装而谨小慎微的 )

old maid ( 谨小慎微的人 )


1. Extreme vigilance is the best weapon against these types of crimes.

译文:针对那类犯罪 谨小慎微才是上策。

2. Everything we do every day is scrutinized, but it's different when it happens in front of you.

译文:我们每日谨小慎微 可真发生在眼前 在自己的地盘 感觉就完全不同了。

3. Very organized, meticulous.

译文:有条有理 谨小慎微。

4. That sounds like a cagey, non-answer to me.

译文:谨小慎微的废话 说了等于没说 That sounds like a cagey non -answer to me.。

5. Your poetry, if it is poetry doesn't stop you from being precise, even meticulous.

译文:你的诗意,如果说是诗意的话... ...并不影响你的精确细密, 有时甚至谨小慎微。

6. But even if the potentially traumatic effect of images and videos is hard to predict, do we want to become so cautious that we risk losing social awareness of injustice?

译文:但即使图像和视频 带来的潜在创伤难以, 我们是否想变得如此谨小慎微, 以至于要冒险失去 对不公的社会意识。

7. i want you to guide my financial interests with an eye for the... minutia.

译文:我希望你来负责我的财政收益 I want you to guide my financial interests 并且要谨小慎微 with an eye for the... minutia.。

8. For a man who's supposed to be the leader of the wolf pack around here, you sometimes sound like a prissy, backwoods preacher.

译文:作为一个在虎狼之群中的带头大哥 你有时像个谨小慎微的深山传道士。

9. To only one who's a caution occurs a precaution.


10. Clyde, i think you've got me confused with detail people.


11. And we're starting to be much more careful about how we save and invest.

译文:我们开始谨小慎微地对待, 存款和投资。

12. And we're starting to be much more careful about how we save and how we invest.

译文:我们开始谨小慎微地对待, 存款和投资。

13. This guy's scared of his own .

译文:这家伙谨小慎微的 This guy's scared of his own .。

14. Hunting in the open, in broad daylight, she's anything but subtle.

译文:Hunting in the open, in broad daylight, 在大白天的开阔地捕猎 she's anything but subtle. 它必须谨小慎微。

15. i thought we were in the "cover our " business, in containment mode.

译文:我还以为我们是要收拾烂摊子 需要谨小慎微。

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