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行间用英语怎么说 行间的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-12-23 07:29:42
  • 114

行间用英语怎么说 行间的英语翻译

行间的英语是"  Between the lines",其次还可以说成"between the lines",在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到79个与行间相关的译文和例句。


1.   Between the lines

行间翻译为   Between the lines。

When the driver accelerated, the vacuum was insufficient to run the intermittent mode and the wipers would default to high speed.


2. between the lines

行间翻译为between the lines。

Faced with this dilemma, central bankers are divided.


3.   interval

行间翻译为   interval。

But read between the lines.


4. in army service

行间翻译为in army service。

示例:There'll be no conditions attached To service in the British army.
我告诉他们 没有命令他们



1. row middle(行间)

2. interlineate(行间书写 )

3. interlineation(行间书写 )

4. interinement( 行间)

5. interlinear matter(行间注释)


Inter-bank Bond Market bank Bond Market Interbankenanleihenmarkt ( 银行间债券市场 )

the inter-bank offered rate for lending ( 银行间同业拆放利率 )

national inter-bank borrowing market ( 全国银行间同业拆借市场 )

line spacing ( 行间距 )

reading between the lines between the lines read between the lines Bookfun ( 字里行间 )

Interline Transfer IVCS Interline Transfer ( 行间转移 )

read among the lines ( 字里行间的言外之意 )

FOCFrame-InterlineTransfer Frame-Interline Transfer FOC Frame-Interline Transfer Interline Transfer( 帧一行间转移 )

IBBR interbank bid rate IBBR i rinterbankbidrate ( 银行间报价利率 )


1. Just stay between the lines when you're driving.

译文:就在字里行间留下 当你驾驶。

2. But then, in the middle of 2013, alarms started to sound in the important markets used by banks to raise money.

译文:不过 到2013年中 警钟敲响 重要的银行间同业拆借市场。

3. And the under-reading was women aren't worth it.


4. when you've realized there's a literacy issue.


5. The eros between sentences, that is the essence of Flaubert's novel."


6. And i'm also --" i hear between the lines of what people say -- "i'm really scared to change.

译文:我也……” 我听懂了人们字里行间的含义—— “我真的很害怕改变。

7. You'll never read my face between the lines

译文:字里行间 是看不到面容的。

8. He's been arrested for espionage.


9. -You have to read between the lines.

译文:- 你必须字里行间。

10. Have you ever been convicted of espionage?


11. Some slipped criticism between the lines.


12. How do you feel about working undercover?


13. We'll only find out what really happened if we read between the lines.

译文:我们只发现 到底发生了什么 如果我们在字里行间。

14. So you can read the truth behind the words.

译文:那么读来干什么? 字里行间才是。

15. i felt i detected an attraction to him in the subtext. Care to comment?

译文:因为我觉得你在字里行间 对他很有好感,能否说明。

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