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穆桂英挂帅用英语怎么说 穆桂英挂帅英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-07 15:34:04
  • 105

穆桂英挂帅用英语怎么说 穆桂英挂帅英语翻译

穆桂英挂帅用英语翻译为"  Mu Guiying Takes Command",在日常中也可以翻译为"  Lady General Mu Takes Command",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到17个与穆桂英挂帅相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   Mu Guiying Takes Command

穆桂英挂帅翻译为   Mu Guiying Takes Command。

示例:Yang Wenguang! if you ignore the law and refuse to execute Mu Guiying,
杨文广 如果你徇私不处斩穆桂英


2.   Lady General Mu Takes Command

穆桂英挂帅翻译为   Lady General Mu Takes Command。

示例:By command of Lieutenant General Doolittle."


3.   Lady General Mu Takes Command-Orchestra

穆桂英挂帅翻译为   Lady General Mu Takes Command-Orchestra。

示例:By command of Lieutenant General Doolittle."


4.   Peking opera

穆桂英挂帅翻译为   Peking opera。

示例:is this a Peking opera costume?



1. taken command(挂帅)

2. takes command(挂帅)

3. took command(挂帅)

4. money in command(钞票挂帅)

5. gnm(唯gnp主义;gnp挂帅)


1. Wiping me out, he could then be the one in-charge.

译文:解决了我 他就可以打旗挂帅。

2. Execute your mother... by yourself!

译文:就是由杨元帅 亲自将你亲娘穆桂英斩立决。

3. Mu Guiying has escaped... with less than 3,000 soldiers.

译文:穆桂英损兵折将 只带不到三千兵马逃脱。

4. You know, we're often told that we live in very materialistic times, that we're all greedy people.

译文:我们时常被告知我们处在一个物质挂帅的时代 我们都是贪婪的人。

5. The resource based economy is really not close to anything that's been tried.


6. For the fact is, the selfish, corrupt, power and profit based groups are not the true source of the problem

译文:事实上,自私、腐化、权力与利益挂帅的团体, 并不是问题的根源。

7. in our society, that is a resourced based economy, machines free people.

译文:我们的社会是一种资源挂帅的经济体, 机器解放了人类。

8. This makes it inherently difficult for profit-based institutions to change, for it puts in jeopardy not only the survival of large groups of people, but also the coveted materialistic lifestyle associated with affluence and power.

译文:这使得利润挂帅的制度很难改变 因为不只会危害到一大群人的生存 还会危害到与金权挂勾, 让人梦寐以求的物质生活方式。

9. The Wall Street Journal, here, not exactly a bastion of anti-capitalist sentiment, refutes Big Tobacco's smear campaign as the lowest form of character assassination.

译文:连华尔街日报 这样以商业挂帅的报纸 都反抗公司的诽谤招数。

10. if you want me to send troops, you should either execute Mu Guiying who usurped the marshalship or execute the assassin Yang Wenguang!

译文:让我出兵没问题 你首先要处斩阵前夺帅的穆桂英 或者处斩刺杀本帅的杨文广。

11. You dare to collaborate with spies... and release the criminal?

译文:竟然斗胆勾结奸细 劫走朝廷钦犯穆桂英。

12. Nothing produced in our profit based society is even remotely sustainable or efficient.

译文:在我们这个利润挂帅的社会里, 没有一样产品是经久耐用或者有效率的。

13. Because everything that we devise with an resource based economy would be applied to society.

译文:因为在一个资源挂帅的经济体里, 所有我们的创新发明,都将回馈社会。

14. You know, we're often told that we live in very materialistic times, that we're all greedy people.

译文:我们时常被告知我们处在一个物质挂帅的时代 我们都是贪婪的人。

15. They think in terms of a democracy, which is not possible in a monetary based economy.

译文:大家认为这种制度, 无法存在于金融挂帅的经济体里。

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