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一簇簇用英语怎么说 一簇簇的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-11 08:57:19
  • 205

一簇簇用英语怎么说 一簇簇的英语翻译

一簇簇通常被翻译为"druse crystal"的意思,还可以翻译为factorial variety,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到74个与一簇簇相关的释义和例句。


1. druse crystal

一簇簇翻译为druse crystal。

Clumps of grass poked up through the snow.


2. factorial variety

一簇簇翻译为factorial variety。

It bears cers of mauve flowers in early summer.


3. swad


I was combing my hair and it was just falling out in clumps.


4. exceptional variety

一簇簇翻译为exceptional variety。

示例:Umar is an exceptional kid in exceptional cirtances.
他是个例外的孩子 处在例外的环境中



1. swad(一簇 )

2. gregarinae(簇虫的,簇虫)

3. druse crystal(晶簇)

4. exceptional variety(例外簇)

5. factorial variety(阶乘簇)


Azalea Blossoms ( 这一带一簇簇金达莱 )

Cer Header ( 每个簇内有一个簇首 )

cer head ( 每个簇由一个簇头 )

Cer Header ( 每个簇有一个簇头 )


1. You got a tuft of hair coming out your crack.


2. it's a cer of land forms that offers a near perfect replication, of the pyramid pattern of Tikal.

译文:这一簇地形简直就是提卡尔神庙的布局 完美的再现。

3. The signal for the attack will be a bonfire.


4. Vines with c'ring bunches growing, plants with goodly burden bowing;

译文:葡萄成簇 摘果满筐。

5. The dried cotton seed pod, or boll, that surrounds the fibers cracks open, unveiling a burst of several thousand fiber cells in a fluffy mass.

译文:包裹纤维的干燥的 棉籽荚,也叫棉铃裂开了, 露出一簇簇柔软蓬松的纤维细胞。

6. Each coral head consists of thousand of individual polyps.


7. One must only find an ember of purpose, and give it breath.

译文:只要在他心底找到一簇火苗 再吹风浇油。

8. These begin to dance to the sounds of the world outside.


9. They also have a feature: thickets of huckleberry bushes that grow out of the tops of Redwood trees that are technically known as huckleberry afros, and you can sit there and snack on the berries while you're resting.

译文:他们还有另外一个特点:一簇簇的越橘丛 从红杉顶长出来, 我们专门称其为“越橘爆炸头”, 当你休息的时候,你可以坐在那,品尝这些浆果。

10. Like snowflakes, every crystal is unique.


11. Now, for me, this little pond scum critter Tetrahymena was a great way to study the fundamental mystery i was most curious about: those bundles of DNA in our cells called chromosomes.

译文:现在,对我来说,这种小藻类生物“四膜虫”, 是一个研究这个基本奥秘的好方法。我最好奇的是有关: 在我们细胞中 称为染色体的那一簇簇DNA。

12. They also have a feature: thickets of huckleberry bushes that grow out of the tops of Redwood trees that are technically known as huckleberry afros, and you can sit there and snack on the berries while you're resting.

译文:他们还有另外一个特点:一簇簇的越橘丛 从红杉顶长出来, 我们专门称其为“越橘爆炸头”, 当你休息的时候,你可以坐在那,品尝这些浆果。

13. Once the tau proteins start clumping together, they cause more clumps to form and continue to spread throughout the brain, even after head impacts have stopped.

译文:一旦tau蛋白开始聚集成簇, 将会引起更多簇的形成, 并且延伸致整个大脑, 即使头部影响已经停止。

14. Just a strand of hair is enough for the DNA test. The heir of half your property, money..

译文:这簇头发 足够做DNA测试了。

15. And so it is sort of a theme, but it goes a little bit, you know, deeper than that.

译文:这就是一个水簇馆, 但是我们应该深入的了解.。

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