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毡用英语怎么说 毡的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-07 12:34:12
  • 76

毡用英语怎么说 毡的英语翻译

毡的英语翻译是"  felt",其次还可以说成"felt",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到72个与毡相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   felt

毡翻译为   felt。

On his head was a mitre of black felt decorated with silver crescents.


2. felt


示例:沃森太太如坐 针 毡。
Mrs. Watson sat on pins and needles .


3.   tfnk

毡翻译为   tfnk。

When Kadhum finally does come back to the hotel, he's carrying the painting in a red felt bag tied tightly with cord.



1. felt goods(毡制品)

2. felt tarpaulin(防雨毡)

3. felted texture(毡制品)

4. fibrofelt(纤维毡)

5. filter felt(过滤毡)


Rolled-Brim Felt Hat ( 卷檐毡帽 )

felt blanket wool felt ( 毛毡 纺 建 )

Cotoneaster pannosus ( 毡毛栒子 )

Walk On Hot Coals The Thorn in the Flesh to sit in thorns ( 如坐针毡 )

Hydrangea coacta ( 毡毛绣球 )

Drosera intermedia ( 长柄毛毡苔 )

asphalt felt ( 油毛毡 )

Drosera capensis ( 好望角毛毡苔 )


1. it's like it's been done With felt pens, yes.

译文:- 看上去是用毡笔画的 说的对。

2. What is the difference between the foot-pampering looped cotton rug and the bathmat?

译文:那个宠爱足部的棉毡 和浴室踏垫 有什么差别。

3. - it's like it's been done with felt pens.

译文:- 看上去是用毡笔画的。

4. A tufted sofa, a Flemish tapestry, a brass-bound Regency-style table...

译文:一张装缨球的沙发 ,一件Flemish挂毡, 一张Regency风格的桌子...。

5. That rug weights 100 kilos when it is soaked in water.

译文:那张毡浸湿了 有100公斤那么重。

6. Did she ever call back about those mexican tapestries


7. Offer blankets for half the land.


8. But it looks like Lecktor went over this area with a felt-tip pen and tore it away.

译文:可看来莱克特在这里是用毡尖笔写的 然后撕下来。

9. Not gin in lemonade just gin strait

译文:不是毡加香槟或毡加苦艾酒 纯毡酒。

10. And now Watson, we shall treat ourselves for a couple of carpet bags, encourage the manufacturers, the countries through which we travel and make our way at leisure into Switzerland via Brussels, Luxemberg...

译文:现在 华生 我们得去 买两个毡睡袋 以便鼓励一下 沿途国家的睡袋商。

11. Ali? Come and give me a hand with the rug. Ali!

译文:阿里 来帮我洗毡。

12. A magic marker. A felt pen!


13. it's an amalgam of wood, and cast iron, and felt, and steel strings, and all these, and they're all amazingly sensitive to temperature and humidity.

译文:这是由木头,铸铁和毡制品制成的混合物, 还有钢丝以及所有这些, 而且他们都对温度和湿度出奇地敏感.。

14. On that night... you took a piece of white felt... and after killing Penny... you collected some of her blood.

译文:那天晚上 你拿了一块白毡 在杀死潘妮后。

15. if you hadn't ed that green felt tip

译文:如果你有不 吸绿色毡尖。

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