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黑色素用英语怎么说 黑色素的英语翻译

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  • 2022-12-13 11:49:28
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黑色素用英语怎么说 黑色素的英语翻译

黑色素用英语翻译为"  pheomelanin",还网络中常译为"  melanin",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到52个与黑色素相关的释义和例句。


1.   pheomelanin

黑色素翻译为   pheomelanin。

Melanomas are the most aggressive skin cancers.


2.   melanin

黑色素翻译为   melanin。

Perhaps Kipling would say, "Let the jaguar grow melanin."


3. melanin -

黑色素翻译为 melanin -。

Melanomas are more common if you have periodic intense exposure to the sun.


4. melanin


示例:it all centers around melanin, the pigment that gives skin and hair its color.
这一切都围绕着黑色素, 这种颜料赋予皮肤和头发的颜色。



1. melanin(黑色素 )

2. melanochrome(黑色素)

3. zoomelanin(黑色素)

4. hypomelanism(黑色素过少)

5. melanagogue( 黑色素)


Melanoma malignant melanoma meningioma ( 黑色素瘤 肿瘤 )

malignant melanoma melanoma malignant melanoma of skin ARMM ( 恶性黑色素瘤 )

melanosome ( 黑色素体 )

Melanocytes melanop melanophage melanop ( 黑色素细胞 )

MSH melanocyte stimulating hormone ( 黑色素细胞刺激素 )

Eumelanin ( 真黑色素 昆 )

Malignant melanoma of lip ( 唇恶性黑色素瘤 )


1. For light-skin people, that extra melanin darkens their skin and produces a tan.

译文:对于肤色偏浅的人来说, 额外的黑色素 会使肤色加深变为黄褐色。

2. As a result of our ancestor's adaptability, today the planet is full of people with a vast palette of skin colors, typically, darker eumelanin-rich skin in the hot, sunny band around the Equator, and increasingly lighter pheomelanin-rich skin shades fanning outwards as the sunshine dwindles.

译文:作为我们祖先适应的结果, 如今我们的地球上充满了各种肤色的人, 通常,黑色素丰富的深色皮肤的人 生活在炎热的,阳光充足的赤道带; 从赤道呈扇形越往外阳光越少, 含有伪黑色素的皮肤的人 肤色也越来越浅。

3. Then it started to feel weird and turned into a fatal thing


4. He's planning to propose. He's been carrying around a big ring for weeks.

译文:Izzie得了四期黑色素瘤 已经扩散到了她脑部 肝部和皮肤。

5. When it's exposed to UV light, that triggers special light-sensitive receptors called rhodopsin, which stimulate the production of melanin to shield cells from damage.

译文:当暴露在紫外线下时, 将触发被称为紫膜质的特殊感光受体。它促进黑色素的产生, 以保护细胞免受损伤。

6. it all centers around melanin, the pigment that gives skin and hair its color.

译文:这一切都围绕着黑色素, 这种颜料赋予皮肤和头发的颜色。

7. The black pigment drains away from his scales.


8. Melanin, in various forms, has probably been on the Earth a billion years, and has been recruited over and over again by evolution, as often happens.

译文:不同形式的黑色素很有可能存在于地球上 长达十亿年。并且一次又一次地 被进化的过程所招纳。

9. The key to survival lay in their own personal sunscreen manufactured beneath the skin: melanin.

译文:生存的关键在于他们自身的防晒霜, 也就是皮下产生的黑色素。

10. Here is a patient with a skin cancer called melanoma.

译文:这位病人患上了一种皮肤癌, 叫做黑色素瘤。

11. And it came up as an aggressive melanoma.


12. i've seen you. i saw you at melanoma, i saw you at tuberculosis.

译文:我见过你,我见过你参加黑色素瘤 见过你参加肺结核。

13. if that damage is severe enough, the cells mutations can lead to melanoma, a deadly cancer that forms in the skin's melanocytes.

译文:如果损伤足够严重, 细胞突变可导致黑素瘤, 这是一种由皮肤中的黑色素细胞形成的致命癌症。

14. The type and amount of melanin in your skin determines whether you'll be more or less protected from the sun.

译文:你们皮肤中黑色素的种类和数量, 决定了你在受太阳照射时, 是多,还是少的受保护程度。

15. But some of them happened to produce less melanin.


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