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两重天用英语怎么说 两重天的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-15 09:37:29
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两重天用英语怎么说 两重天的英语翻译

两重天的英语为"  Dual Zone",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到26个与两重天相关的译文和例句。


1.   Dual Zone

两重天翻译为   Dual Zone。

示例:- We've been over this a hundred times.
-fly zone.



1. double witching hour( 两重迷人时段)

2. doub([医][=double]成双的,两重的,两倍的)

3. two days ago( 两天前;两天之前;两天以前)

4. two pass(un. 双程\n 两重运算;两遍;二次编码)

5. in two days( 两天后;两天以后;两天之后)


Dil Ne Jise Apna Kahaa Choice ( 情义两重天 )

one on top of the other ( 两重天空 )


1. i gave rim jobs and frozen s.


2. it was so clear, Jenny, it looked like there were two skies one on top of the other.

译文:那样的清澈 珍妮 就像另一片天空 两重天空。

3. After she got it, "She was happy to report that she has discovered that he possessed a double who was rich, virile, handsome and aristocratic."

译文:她得了病以后,“她高兴地汇报说 她说她发现了他有两重性 他富有,强健,英俊,有贵族气质。”。

4. The measure of a man is in his appetites.

译文:要看男人有几斤几两重 就要看他的胃口。

5. We'll find him for you, no matter how long it takes.

译文:找一天不行两天 两天不行三天嘛。

6. it's cool and warm at the same time.


7. Tell him they both weigh the same.


8. And, in English, the word "cheap" has a double meaning, which is really appropriate, because it's cheap, in the pejorative sense, as well as inexpensive.

译文:在英语里面"cheap"这个词 有两重意思,用在这里再恰当不过了。因为他们低贱,这里是贬义,以及便宜。

9. And we all just kind of Went our separate ways.


10. East and west are well-defended


11. And, in English, the word "cheap" has a double meaning, which is really appropriate, because it's cheap, in the pejorative sense, as well as inexpensive.

译文:在英语里面"cheap"这个词 有两重意思,用在这里再恰当不过了。因为他们低贱,这里是贬义,以及便宜。

12. - Yes, yes, oh, god. Oh, my god. it's totally heavy.

译文:天呐 它好重。

13. After she got it, "She was happy to report that she has discovered that he possessed a double who was rich, virile, handsome and aristocratic."

译文:她得了病以后,“她高兴地汇报说 她说她发现了他有两重性 他富有,强健,英俊,有贵族气质。”。

14. Two days, John. it's been two days.

译文:两天 约翰 它已经两天了。

15. Nice dress. She's got me hot and cold

译文:好衣服 # 她让我两重天 #。

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