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清除历史记录用英语怎么说 清除历史记录英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-09-10 16:46:21
  • 139

清除历史记录用英语怎么说 清除历史记录英语翻译

清除历史记录的英语可以这样说:  Clean Up History,在日常中也可以翻译为"  WinMend History Cleaner",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到83个与清除历史记录相关的翻译和例句。


1.   Clean Up History

清除历史记录翻译为   Clean Up History。

The History Cleanup maintenance plan task includes the ability to set the option to delete files using a unit in hours.


2.   WinMend History Cleaner

清除历史记录翻译为   WinMend History Cleaner。

Then click the "Clear Forms", you can put all the previous history deleted.


3.   Clear History

清除历史记录翻译为   Clear History。

示例:命令历史记录不会在会话与会话之间持续;会话结束时,缓存就会被清除,这通常发生在运行 QUIT 命令之后。
The command history does not persist from session to session; the cache is cleared when the session ends, which normally happens after you run the QUIT command.



1. historicalizations( 历史记录)

2. history file([计] 历史记录文件)

3. historical record(un. 历史性记录\n 历史记录;历史记录法;历史纪录)

4. File History( 文件历史记录;申请历史;档案纪录)

5. transaction history( 意思是交易记录;交易历史;交易历史记录)


Purple Parrot CleanUp ( 清除系统历史记录工具 )

Clearing the Run Menu History ( 清除运行菜单历史记录 )


1. i'll hack his browser history.

译文:我去黑了他的浏览器历史记录 I'll hack his browser history.。

2. Text messages, phone calls, search history...

译文:短信,电话, 搜索历史记录.。

3. So, they only reheated them and served them.


4. There's not much here, but basic social media sites fill his browser history.

译文:里面没什么东西 浏览器历史记录都是些社交媒体网站。

5. Not according to the historical record.


6. And i would please like the record to reflect today that i showed up for my part of the job."

译文:我希望今天的历史记录证明:我尽责地坚守了我的岗位€ 我希望今天的历史记录证明:我尽责地坚守了我的岗位。

7. - it's in your history. in your browser?


8. Precise historic records are inconsistent.


9. it doesn't matter how good the team is.

译文:不管这团队有多优秀 可是我这历史记录。

10. i pulled this from the archives.


11. What? He erased all his internet search files?

译文:什么 你说他把历史记录都给删除了。

12. Has there ever been a history of problems with them?


13. i'm still going through it, but the browser history shows that he was looking at Cara's wedding announcement in the "L.A. Times" a couple days ago.

译文:历史记录显示 几天前他在洛杉矶时报上 查看过Cara的婚礼公告。

14. And we can go and look at the historical record.


15. And the historical record has a right to have materials of diplomatic, political, ethical, historical significance.

译文:有权获得材料的历史记录 外交,,道德,历史意义。

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