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他激振荡器用英语怎么说 他激振荡器英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-14 16:13:59
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他激振荡器用英语怎么说 他激振荡器英语翻译

他激振荡器用英语翻译为"driven oscillator",在日常中也可以翻译为"separately excited multi",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到57个与他激振荡器相关的释义和例句。


1. driven oscillator

他激振荡器翻译为driven oscillator。

示例:We're a market-driven economy, Peter.
-driven economy Peter.


2. separately excited multi

他激振荡器翻译为separately excited multi。

示例:So you excited to be here?
So you excited to be here?


3. slave oscillator

他激振荡器翻译为slave oscillator。

示例:i'm a slave to love Slave to love...
# 我臣服于爱情 臣服于爱情... # # I'm a slave to love Slave to love... #


4. shock excited oscillator

他激振荡器翻译为shock excited oscillator。

示例:i love your pocket We live to shock it, shock it
# I love your pocket We live to shock it, shock it



1. separately excited oscillator(分激振荡器;他激振荡器)

2. driven oscillator(他激振荡器)

3. slave oscillator(从动[他激]振荡器)

4. separately excited multi(分激多谐振荡器,他激多谐振荡器)

5. shock excited oscillator(震激振荡器)


1. And we know where these neural oscillators are but what we did was to make a mathematical model to see how they should be coupled to allow this transition between the two very different gaits.

译文:现在我们知道了这些神经振荡器的位置 但是我们还需要建立数学模型 来研究它们是如何连接起来 实现两种完全不同的步态的转换。

2. it was very emotional. This job can be very emotional.


3. Comrade Li Yu Qin, calm down.


4. if we had an audio oscillator i could find the waves and...

译文:- 除非我们找到音频振荡器... 然后有了声波就可以...。

5. We'll go in there, we'll hit that oscillator with everything we got.

译文:我们会去那里 We'll go in there, 朝振荡器和接触到的一切发起攻击 we'll hit that oscillator with everything we got.。

6. Well, maybe you shouldn't have goaded him into it.


7. No. i'm sure he's just overexcited.

译文:不 他只是太激动了。

8. i felt as if i was standing and the ground below was moving.


9. he's triggered.Right now, he's triggered,and his triggers might never go away.

译文:他被激发了 他被激发了 或许诱因永远不会消失。

10. Martin, you're provoking him, okay? Stop it.

译文:马丁别激他 住手。

11. No, definitely not to Grozny


12. Or granny and her .


13. So, we disable the shields, we take out the oscillator and we blow up the big gun.

译文:所以 我们关掉保护罩 So, we disable the shields, 拿下振荡器 然后炸掉大炮 we take out the oscillator and we blow up the big gun.。

14. if we can destroy that oscillator, it might destabilize the core and cripple the weapon.

译文:如果我们能毁掉这个振荡器 If we can destroy that oscillator, 就可能会武器核心 削弱武器力量 it might destabilize the core and cripple the weapon.。

15. it's one of those vibrating saddles that women sit on to give them, like, super intense s.

译文:是一种马鞍形振荡器 女人骑上去会达到强烈的。

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