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除开用英语怎么说 除开的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-08 06:35:13
  • 114

除开用英语怎么说 除开的英语翻译

除开的英语为"  apart from",在日常中也可以翻译为"except",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到88个与除开相关的释义和例句。


1.   apart from

除开翻译为   apart from。

This is the highest amount among countries with reliable military spending data outside of the Middle East.


2. except


In the examples below, assume that the exclude switch was used.


3.   other than

除开翻译为   other than。

In 2012, airline revenue from sources other than tickets amounted to an estimated $36.1 billion worldwide.


4.   except

除开翻译为   except。

示例:Everyone is at fault, except you.
except you.



1. purge switch(清除开关)

2. noise cancel switch(噪声消除开关)

3. secondary individuals((除开家长的)家庭成员)

4. high cut(un. 深挖\n 高切;高频切除;高频切除开关)

5. highcut(un. 深挖\n 高频切除开关;高切;高压保险)


LOW CUT Low-Cut switch ( 低频切除开关 )

HIGH CUT ( 高频切除开关 )

Beat cancel switch Beat canceltch ( 差拍干扰消除开关 )

kill switch cancel switch ( 删除开关 )

clear switch ( 清除开关 计 )

defeat switch ( 消除开关 )


1. So, how do we clarify their intentions... beyond those two words?

译文:那么除开这两个词 我们如何去分辨它们的意图 So, how do we clarify their intentions... beyond those two words。

2. At least 80 boxes of ziti, after expenses.


3. And i would say that i certainly hope that other technologies will be considered in the same way, just as we would want to consider something that could have implications in other fields besides biology.

译文:我要说我肯定希望其他的科学技术 也能用同样的方式来思考, 正如我们考量到某些事 也有可能会牵连到 除开生物学之外的其他领域。

4. i mean, you know, besides Jennifer Aniston.

译文:当然了 除开詹妮弗・安妮斯顿 I mean, you know, besides Jennifer Aniston.。

5. Your ass aside, you're in trouble.


6. Underneath that hard shell you're still just a boy.

译文:而除开这坚硬的外壳... ...你还只是个小男孩。

7. Yeah, and--and don't rule out shooting them if necessary.


8. Fired fired fired fired fired!


9. The chief of security holds a kill switch that enables him to wipe clean their data storage at any sign of attack.

译文:保安主任掌握着一个删除开关 只要有任何受攻击的迹象下 他都可以擦去他们的存储数据。

10. i've ever met, but aside from that, you won't find a better man.

译文:最自闭的人 但除开这些 I've ever met, but aside from that, 你找不到比他更棒的男人 you won't find a better man.。

11. Now, the added one, apart from this immediacy, negative, this concreteness -- now you have a sense of agency.

译文:另外,除开这种即时性, 消极的,这种具体性, 你还会有一种背负感。

12. Now, the added one, apart from this immediacy, negative, this concreteness, now you have a sense of agency.

译文:另外,除开这种即时性, 消极的,这种具体性, 你还会有一种背负感。

13. Can one live at all without talking freely?

译文:除开谎言 托词。

14. i was just saying that despite everything, we're having a pretty lucky day.

译文:我刚才就说,除开之前的事 我们今天很幸运。

15. Well, one of the largest causes, after globalization, is actually this fourth asteroid, rising non-marital births.

译文:恩,除开全球化以外另外一个最大的原因, 也就是这第四颗 “小行星”, 就是非婚生子率的上升。

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