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门当户对用英语怎么说 门当户对英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-09-02 02:27:38
  • 227

门当户对用英语怎么说 门当户对英语翻译

门当户对在英语中的翻译是"  Family Combo",其次还可以说成"  well-matched marriage",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到31个与门当户对相关的翻译和例句。


1.   Family Combo

门当户对翻译为   Family Combo。

He was arranged by his family to marry a girl of his own class.


2.   well-matched marriage

门当户对翻译为   well-matched marriage。

The quintessentially English event was intended as an opportunity for young girls to be presented at court where they might find a future husband from a suitable bloodline.


3. be matched for marriage

门当户对翻译为be matched for marriage。

Whether the most important unimportant, equal to should be hing when interest, otherwise there is no common language, even together, will still feel lonely.


4. properly matched -

门当户对翻译为 properly matched -。

示例:The firepower is... evenly matched.
The firepower is... 是对等的 evenly matched.



1. marriage of property([法] 基于财产的婚姻, 门当户对的婚姻)


Meet the Parents Makiyo feat Yi-Jun ( 门当户不对 )


1. ♪ Have you misplaced your identity?

译文:* *是否太不门当户对。

2. This is a perfect union between our families.


3. That's a smart match, miss, if it's not too bold to say.


4. i've found a nice match for Paro.


5. My constant care... has been to have my only child worthily matched.

译文:我不断的留意... 一直为我唯一的孩子找个门当户对。

6. My father considered Lilian a more appropriate match.


7. The widow queen is a perfect match.


8. The special treatment is because i told them... the reason why we eloped is because my father has a huge problem... with you being poor and me being rich.

译文:是因为我告诉他们 我们私奔是因为我爸觉得咱不门当户对 你是丝 我是白富美。

9. You know, and i think my dad was really controlling and my mum wanted to sort of get out from underneath that.

译文:只是因为他和她门当户对 because he was the kind of person she was supposed to marry. 我觉得我爸对她管得多了一些 I think my dad was really controlling, 而我妈一直很想摆脱这种束缚 and Mom wanted to get out from underneath that.。

10. Dad, you're always concerned with family background and qualifications.

译文:爸爸非常在意学问的派系 以及什么门当户对的。

11. Anne, you know that your father thought it a most unsuitable match.

译文:安妮 你知道的 你父亲认为 这是极不门当户对的。

12. Betty Windsor for the afternoon, mucking in with the Joneses.

译文:贝蒂. 温莎公爵在下午跟门当户对的上流人物聊聊天。

13. i like to see things done properly, Mrs Hughes.

译文:我喜欢门当户对 休斯太太。

14. A wife should be modest and obliging, and she must come from your home village.


15. My mother insists that i go out with girls with better background.

译文:我妈还是坚持 我应该和门当户对的女孩子交往。

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