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淀粉样用英语怎么说 淀粉样的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-11 06:00:49
  • 70

淀粉样用英语怎么说 淀粉样的英语翻译



1. amyloidosis


示例:Could be cancerous-- amyloidosis or lymphoma.
可能是癌- 淀粉样变性病,或者淋巴瘤


2. gammaloidosis

3. Paramyloid

4. lardaceous kidney

淀粉样翻译为lardaceous kidney。

示例:- is it infiltrating the kidney there?



1. Paramyloid(副淀粉样,副淀粉样变性)

2. amyloidosis(淀粉样变性;淀粉样变病;〔生化〕淀粉分解;类淀粉症,淀粉样变性病;淀粉样病变;淀粉沉积症)

3. gammaloidosis(淀粉样变性)

4. inamyloid( 淀粉样蛋白)

5. lardaceous kidney([医] 淀粉样肾)


1. Fiber can also trap some starches, preventing them from being cleaved, resulting in something called resistant starch.

译文:纤维也可以捕捉到一些淀粉, 避免其被分解, 生成一些被称为抗性淀粉的东西。

2. All this red area here, that is amyloid plaque buildup.

译文:这里的红域部分 这是淀粉状斑块区。

3. You putting cornstarch on your ?


4. You can use flour and water, or cornstarch and water.


5. So what happens when amyloid plaques accumulate to this tipping point?

译文:所以当淀粉样斑块积累到 临界点后会发生什么。

6. Take mine. i'm watching my gluten.

译文:吃我的吧 我在控制淀粉摄入。

7. it starts to release the sugars trapped in the starch.


8. And amyloid accumulation has been shown to disrupt sleep, which in turn causes more amyloid to accumulate.

译文:而淀粉样蛋白的累积 已被证实会影响睡眠, 从而导致了更多淀粉样蛋白的累积。

9. So we measured how fast amyloid-beta is cleared from the brain when it's awake versus when it's asleep, and we found that indeed, the clearance of amyloid-beta is much more rapid from the sleeping brain.

译文:所以我们测量了大脑在清醒状态下 淀粉样β蛋白的清理速度 与大脑沉睡时的清理速度进行对比。我们发现 在睡眠中的大脑 淀粉样β蛋白的清除速率更快。

10. Too much is released, or not enough is cleared away, and the synapse begins to pile up with amyloid beta.

译文:释放了太多,或者是未能完全清理, 突触因此便开始堆积β淀粉样蛋白。

11. i thought you didn't eat gluten.


12. Think of amyloid plaques as a lit match.


13. And the starches, when they reach about 180 degrees, gelatinize.

译文:180度时, 淀粉分子发生凝胶反应。

14. This initial step into the disease, this presence of amyloid plaques accumulating, can already be found in your brains.

译文:老年痴呆症的起步, 淀粉样斑块的累积, 也许已经在你的大脑初步产生。

15. Starch absorbs fluid which reduces the amount of vomit available for violent expulsion.

译文:淀粉可以吸收液体 以减少猛烈排出时的呕吐量。

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