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氧化磷酸化用英语怎么说 氧化磷酸化英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-04 04:07:47
  • 95

氧化磷酸化用英语怎么说 氧化磷酸化英语翻译

氧化磷酸化的英语可以这样说:distarch phosphate phosphated,其次还可以说成"oxidative phosphorylation",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到12个与氧化磷酸化相关的短语释义和例句。


1. distarch phosphate phosphated

氧化磷酸化翻译为distarch phosphate phosphated。

示例:You can tell us all about phosphate mining.


2. oxidative phosphorylation

氧化磷酸化翻译为oxidative phosphorylation。

示例:Experts in the field will know that cellular communication is phosphorus-based -- phosphorylation, dephosphorylation.
这个领域的专家们都知道 细胞间的通讯传递是基于磷的- 像是磷酸化,去磷酸化



4. oxidation phosphorylation

氧化磷酸化翻译为oxidation phosphorylation。

示例:Experts in the field will know that cellular communication is phosphorus-based -- phosphorylation, dephosphorylation.
这个领域的专家们都知道 细胞间的通讯传递是基于磷的- 像是磷酸化,去磷酸化



1. oxidative phosphorylation([化] 氧化磷酸化; 氧化磷酸化作用)

2. oxidation phosphorylation([生化] 氧化磷酸化)

3. oxidative phosphorylations([生化] 氧化磷酸化)

4. OXPHOS(氧化磷酸化酶系)

5. distarch phosphate phosphated( 磷酸化磷酸双淀粉)


1. Experts in the field will know that cellular communication is phosphorus-based -- phosphorylation, dephosphorylation.

译文:这个领域的专家们都知道 细胞间的通讯传递是基于磷的- 像是磷酸化,去磷酸化。

2. i mean, on the face of it, it's pretty compelling -- anti-ocean acidification -- and it absorbs more CO2.

译文:乍一听,这主意很引人入胜—— 防止海洋酸化—— 吸收更多的二氧化碳。

3. How is ocean acidification going to affect all of us?

译文:海水酸化会怎样影响 我们所有人呢。

4. A crucial neural transport protein called "tau" becomes hyperphosphorylated and twists itself into something called "tangles," which choke off the neurons from the inside.

译文:一种叫做tau蛋白的神经 转运蛋白变得过度磷酸化 并转化成叫做神经纤维缠结的物质, 从内部阻塞了神经元。

5. Phosphate rock, it's got a density of 1.852.

译文:磷酸盐岩 密度是1.852。

6. Elements and compounds essential to life include hydrogen, methane, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, phosphates, and ammonia.

译文:它们是一些生命必不可少的 元素和化合物, 包括氢、甲烷、氮、 二氧化碳、磷酸盐以及氨。

7. Water acidification level estimated at 8.4.


8. "Concrete and titanium oxide""


9. Oxygenating it opens it up.


10. Now there was a natural acidification event millions of years ago, which was much slower than what we're seeing today.

译文:几百万年前曾经有过 自然发生的海洋酸化过程, 它比我们现在看到的酸化慢得多。

11. if you don't put chlorine in, you get phosphates, and algae feeds on phosphate.

译文:如果你不把氯气, 你磷酸盐, 和海藻饲料磷酸盐。

12. Phosphoric acid, aspartame, potassium benzoate,

译文:磷酸 天冬酰苯丙氨酸甲酯 钾 苯甲酸。

13. - i'll get all of 'em. - Get all of 'em.

译文:- 去试验所有有机磷酸酯。

14. ARABiGA Goma, ANS, CARTAGENiNA Sodium phosphate, aspartame, acesulfame-K ...

译文:磷酸钠 阿斯巴甜 安赛蜜... ...。

15. But we can slow this down.


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