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三通一平用英语怎么说 三通一平英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-08 02:11:25
  • 141

三通一平用英语怎么说 三通一平英语翻译

三通一平用英语翻译为"three supplies and one leveling",其次还可以说成"  three put through one level",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到68个与三通一平相关的译文和例句。


1. three supplies and one leveling

三通一平翻译为three supplies and one leveling。

示例:One who denies it supplies it.
屁者先知 One who denies it supplies it.


2.   three put through one level

三通一平翻译为   three put through one level。

示例:~ Easy as one, two, three ~
# Easy as one, two, three #



1. tee fitting(三通;三通接头)

2. tee bend(三通)

3. tee branch(三通)

4. tee conneetion(三通)

5. three way (三通阀,三通旋塞)


1. i came here to kill Heihachi Mishima.

译文:我来这是要杀了 三岛平八。

2. Not to mention, your bid was far too attractive for us to pass up.


3. Three to the ingersol Ranch, one to another local number.

译文:三通是打给英格索尔农场的 另一通是一个当地号码。

4. Created by Heihachi Mishima. And still continuous.


5. Prinl Heihachi Mishima passed away three years ago.

译文:三岛平八校长 三年前就死了啊。

6. Heihachi Mishima is with them.


7. Listen well, Heihachi Mishima.

译文:三岛平八... 你听好...。

8. While you were out, about 3


9. Coffee's ready and, uh, you have three calls.

译文:{\fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1}咖啡准备好了 啊 你还有三通电话留言。

10. There were three to the ranch and one to a local number.

译文:他拨了三通电话给农场 一通给一个当地号码。

11. Sampantong, nine o'clock, Cacadew.

译文:三阪通 九点。

12. That's the third time she's called this morning.


13. There are three Mercedez approaching.


14. i left three messages and she won't call me back.

译文:我留了三通留言 她还没给我回电话。

15. i left three voice mails for izzie.


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