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形同陌路用英语怎么说 形同陌路英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-08 08:46:30
  • 82

形同陌路用英语怎么说 形同陌路英语翻译

形同陌路在英语中的翻译是"  That I used to know",还可以翻译为take one as a passer-by,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到22个与形同陌路相关的短语翻译和用法。


1.   That I used to know

形同陌路翻译为   That I used to know。

We were under the same roof but not together.


2. take one as a passer-by

形同陌路翻译为take one as a passer-by。

We are strangers now.


3. as if they were strangers

形同陌路翻译为as if they were strangers。

Neighbors don't have to be friends, but they need not be strangers either.


4. stand off each other

形同陌路翻译为stand off each other。

示例:# We fit into each other #
# We fit into each other #



1. the pack([电影]陌路血地)

2. heteromorphic logues(异形同型)

3. isomorphism of schemes(概形同构)

4. isopora cuneata(楔形同轴珊瑚)

5. graphics hold(图形同步并接)


Turned into strangers ( 现已形同陌路 )

From strangers to profound feelings From the road with immersing ( 从形同陌路到相濡以沫 )

And not enstranged ( 而不是形同陌路 )


1. We ignore each other, but i wanted you to see him.


2. Each time we meet Walk on by Just walk on by


3. i told you he wasn't dead.


4. i will stop worrying about being a boring old married couple... because we never will be.

译文:我不再担心 我们变成形同陌路的夫妻 因为永远不会发生。

5. You know, when he gets this look in his eye, the defense has no chance.

译文:在他眼里 防守形同虚设。

6. From this day onward, you must be a stranger to one of your parents.

译文:从今天起,你不和父亲成为陌路人 就要和母亲成为陌路人。

7. We part ways as unlikely friends.

译文:相互信任 我们从此就形同陌路。

8. i'm really not that important


9. From this day you must be a stranger to one of your parents.

译文:从今天起你若不和父亲反目 就得和母亲形同陌路。

10. When i'm done, we no longer speak.

译文:等我完成之后 你我将形同陌路。

11. And will become a total stranger To you forever


12. i've seen tears well up in people's eyes as they talk about family members from whom they're estranged.

译文:谈起自己形同陌路的家人, 他们眼里噙满了泪水。

13. So, it's as if we're strangers and we've never met.


14. And why is it, at times... that even our own people become strangers?

译文:可自己的亲人 却为什么会形同陌路。

15. But i can't go on acting for the cameras, and then just ignoring each other in real life.

译文:但我做不到在镜头面前亲密无间 But I can't go on acting for the cameras, 真实生活里却形同陌路 and then just ignoring each other in real life.。

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