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穿山甲用英语怎么说 穿山甲的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-10-27 00:53:30
  • 554

穿山甲用英语怎么说 穿山甲的英语翻译

穿山甲的英语是"Manis pentadactyla",还可以翻译为  Armadillo,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到77个与穿山甲相关的翻译和例句。


1. Manis pentadactyla

穿山甲翻译为Manis pentadactyla。

The Guardian has twice exposed restaurants that illegally sell pangolin.


2.   Armadillo

穿山甲翻译为   Armadillo。

Passing the pangolin around like a football, inquisitive lions spent hours trying to devour the armor-plated creature.


3.   Pangolin Scales

穿山甲翻译为   Pangolin Scales。

55,000 reptile skins from India, 19,000 big-eye thresher shark fins in Ecuador and 23 metric tonnes of pangolin in Asia have all been seized.


4. pangolin


示例:Does it have pangolin or rac here?
你说这儿有没有... 穿山甲呀,果子狸呀...



1. pangolin(穿山甲 )

2. pangolinscale(穿山甲)

3. Squama Manis(穿山甲)

4. Sunda pangolin( 马来穿山甲;巽他穿山甲)

5. ground pangolin( 南非穿山甲;南非的穿山甲;非州穿山甲)


Manis temmincki TEMMINCK'S PANGOLIN ( 南非穿山甲 )

Indian Pangolin Manis crassicaudata ( 印度穿山甲 )

Manis tricus ( 树穿山甲 )

Manis tetradactyla ( 长尾穿山甲 )

Armado Armadillo Roll ( 穿山甲大冒险 )

Manis gigantea ( 大穿山甲 )

Chinese Pangolin-Walking Pine Cone Chinese Pangolin ( 中华穿山甲 )


1. Does it have pangolin or rac here?

译文:你说这儿有没有... 穿山甲呀,果子狸呀...。

2. We drove along country roads, up hills, through woods, through fields.

译文:我们在郊外的路上驰骋 穿山越岭 经过田园。

3. if i knew how to get you even half a step closer to him i would cross desert waste to tell you.

译文:如果我知道怎样能让你 哪怕找到他的一丁点线索 我都会穿山越岭来告诉你。

4. And at some point during the night, an armadillo crawled in and sed me.

译文:而且晚上的时候 And at some point during the night, 一只穿山甲爬了进来 an armadillo crawled in 还给了我爱的抱抱 and sed me.。

5. You can visualize this separation process similar to traffic on a highway that separates into two roads, with one road going into a low-clearance tunnel under a mountain, and the other road going around it.

译文:你能够直观地看到这个分离过程, 就好像高速路上的车分成两路一样, 一条路连到低高度的穿山隧道, 另一条绕过山脉。

6. Houston, you're not gonna believe this, but the other Armadillo has arrived.


7. - A shortcut through the mountain.

译文:- 穿山捷径 - 我们一直靠它。

8. Nahoko was very brave to leave the sanatorium.


9. i'll s you like an armadillo.

译文:我会像穿山甲一样给你爱的抱抱 I'll s you like an armadillo.。

10. We totaled rigs two and seven, but the digger looks like it'll still run.

译文:二号跟七号卡车全毁 但是穿山甲看起来还会动。

11. Sir isaac Newton wrote his Principia while convinced he was an armadillo.

译文:牛顿著"数学原理"一书时 Sir Isaac Newton wrote his Principia 还以为自己是只穿山甲嘞 while convinced he was an armadillo.。

12. i'll dig like a psychotic rodent if i have to.

译文:我会像疯狂的穿山甲一样为你打地洞 {\3cH202020}I'll dig like a psychotic rodent if I have to.。

13. i knew you'd understand, Armadillo isaac Newton.

译文:我就知道你懂我的 亲爱的穿山甲牛顿 I knew you'd understand, Armadillo Isaac Newton.。

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