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苦心经营用英语怎么说 苦心经营英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-09-16 01:18:16
  • 67

苦心经营用英语怎么说 苦心经营英语翻译

苦心经营的英语可以这样说:  Painstakingly,还经常被译作  elaboration,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到94个与苦心经营相关的释义和例句。


1.   Painstakingly

苦心经营翻译为   Painstakingly。

The trouble is that such nuanced arguments would spoil the tale of villainy in "13 Bankers".


2.   elaboration

苦心经营翻译为   elaboration。

The garment store they so painstakingly built up also ended in failure.


3. elaboration


Mrs Green is struggling to run her farm and look after a set of unruly children.


4.   Elaborating

苦心经营翻译为   Elaborating。

示例:- The chancellor's been elaborating... on a plot by the Jedi to overthrow the senate.
发生什么事了? 议长正在解释说... 绝地武士阴谋推翻参议院



1. elaborately(adv. 苦心经营地, 精巧地)

2. elaborations((elaboration 的复数) n. 苦心经营, 精巧\n[计] 确立)

3. heart sutra(心经)

4. interior warp(嵌心经纱,嵌心经)

5. heart channel([中医] 心经)


elaborately ( 苦心经营地 )

elaboration ( 苦心经营的结果 )


1. No one else is ever gonna have that kind of commitment to your company, Jules.


2. That i am trying to accomplish.

译文:- 苦心经营的一切 - 亲爱的 一切都会好起来的。

3. And then there's you, Panther who is single-handedly trying to destroy what took me 33 years to build.

译文:然后你出现了 黑豹... ...单枪匹马的 就把我苦心经营33年的业绩给毁了。

4. it makes me a little bit of money when i can actually keep it running.

译文:我用心经营的时候 能赚一些钱。

5. Then let me go, because i'm not gonna be responsible for driving you in the ground.

译文:那就放我走人 糟蹋了你的苦心经营 这锅我可不背。

6. Ah, yes. Extraordinary lengths.


7. But you need to just focus on running your construction company and paying the mortgage and asking her how her day was because i'm okay.

译文:但你需要专心经营你的建筑公司 努力付贷款,还要经营夫妻感情 我会照顾自己。

8. if she gets out of here, she'll jeopardize everything i've worked for.


9. Our image, our reputation is something we've been carefully building for years.

译文:我们的形象和名誉 是我们小心经营多年才打造起来的。

10. All that time to get someplace with her that i'm already at with you?

译文:我苦心经营跟她的感情 为的就是达到咱们以前的境界。

11. But then again, anything worth struggling for will be hard work.

译文:不过 虽然现在农业不景气 只要用心经营也是大有可为的事业。

12. Do you think there's anything you can do to me that hasn't been done before?

译文:你以为在我苦心经营的这个地方 就可以为所欲为。

13. A man who has stood silently at a workbench for years planning, working, striving to create...

译文:一个默默勤恳多年 有理想 苦心经营 努力去创造的人。

14. Colonel, it took me years to build up those contacts

译文:上校,这些关系我苦心经营了很多年... ...。

15. And, honestly, i think he would run our business in a completely inorganic way that would lose us all the customers we have killed ourselves to get.

译文:似乎完全状况外,老实说让他管理我们的事业是反效果 会害我们失去苦心经营的顾客。

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