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中有丘壑用英语怎么说 中有丘壑英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-10 01:21:12
  • 171

胸中有丘壑用英语怎么说 胸中有丘壑英语翻译

中有丘壑的英语是"valid field goal",其次还可以说成"midthoracic esophageal diverticulum",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到52个与中有丘壑相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. valid field goal

中有丘壑翻译为valid field goal。

示例:Are we running to the field goal?


2. midthoracic esophageal diverticulum

中有丘壑翻译为midthoracic esophageal diverticulum。

示例:Your father is in the last stage of esophageal cancer.
爸被送进院之后 我们发现他有末期的食道癌


3. heartward

4. masosternale


1. masosternale(中点)

2. midthoracic esophageal diverticulum(中部食管憩室)

3. motion in quiescence(静中有动)

4. valid field goal(投中有效)

5. heartward( 心中有余)


1. This one registers in my brain and in my chest,

译文:这一个在我的脑中登记 而且在我的中。

2. Heartrending sorrow Wallowing at night

译文:♪ 中苦闷 夜色深沉 ♪。

3. Magistrate: Fire burns within their .


4. i feel a monologue coming on.


5. There will be money in his chest, Jim.

译文:将有钱 在他的中,吉姆。

6. Understand the bible, and you have the sword for ten years

译文:六经蕴借中久 一剑十年磨在手。

7. Soon, we could feel the rumble of the engines vibrating in our chests.

译文:很快,引擎的轰鸣 在我们的中产生了共鸣。

8. Both calligraphy and swordplay rely on one's strength and spirit

译文:书法剑术 都要手腕之力与中之气。

9. "And his bones well up in his eyes, out of that sea..." "which, in all chests, rises to the same level."

译文:虽然白骨一堆,但这片汪海 仍在人人中澎湃高涨。

10. There's a fire burning within me.

译文:"有一团火, 在中燃烧"。

11. My... nitro pills in the bathroom!


12. Magic is based on the art of deception.


13. Unleash the beast inside you.

译文:释放你中的野性吧 杰克。

14. There is electricity in the air. Okay, Ronnie, so if he goes insane, can i inherit his experience points?


15. And so there was only one chance left.


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