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吊子用英语怎么说 吊子的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-12-15 16:34:48
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吊子用英语怎么说 吊子的英语翻译

吊子的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为smatterers,还网络中常译为"elaeagnus loureirii champ.",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到25个与吊子相关的释义和例句。


1. smatterers


Proper and complete documentation in the code marks the difference between a serious, professional developer and someone who is playing at it.


2. elaeagnus loureirii champ.

吊子翻译为elaeagnus loureirii champ.。

It's understandable in a way - you can get away with playing midfielders at centre-back once or twice, but it proved to be very difficult for us at Fulham.


3. dilettantist


And as 100% of the company, the opportunity costs of operating at half-mast were extremely high.



1. smatterers( 半吊子;半瓶醋;半瓶子醋)

2. elaeagnus loureirii champ.(鸡柏紫藤;灯吊子圆叶胡颓子)

3. dilettantist(a. (在艺术、科学等方面)半吊子的,半瓶醋似的,一知半解的,浅薄的, 业余爱好的)


Dabbler Dilettante ( 半吊子 )

Stewed Broken Bulk in Terrine ( 沙锅炖吊子 )

OCS-A OCS-L OCS-XZ ( 电子吊秤 )

bbiejcdfgj ( 半吊子将军 )

trolley ladder ( 吊 )

pipe bridge pipe hanger ( 管子吊架 )

half-baked ( 半吊子的 )

Half-Boiled ( 半吊子侦探 )

suspension insulator suspensioninsula ( 悬吊碍子 )


1. Taught all our children not to be grocery-cart Catholics.


2. What you do have is a bunch of half-baked romantic notions that some barflies put in your head.

译文:你现在满脑子都是 那些酒鬼灌输给你的半吊子浪漫想法。

3. Whatever his prospects need, you get, even if it's a half dozen corn-fed virgins.

译文:不管他需要什么样的远景,你都给他, Whatever his prospects need, you get, 哪怕只是个半吊子都行 even if it's a half dozen corn -fed virgins.。

4. So we won't do things halfway anymore.


5. But everybody is depending on me as a medical consultant. That's hard.


6. in a half-assed, thrown-together, bouillabaisse-y kind of way we did the right thing.

译文:作为半吊子,在这条路上... ...我们做的对。

7. My idiot son still has so much to learn.


8. And not half bad, actually.


9. Engineering, where the le semiskilled laborers execute the vision of those who think and dream.

译文:工程实验室 半吊子工人实现梦想的地方。

10. Possibly, but i wasn't the one capture by Saddam's weekend warriors, was i?

译文:有可能 但我起码没有被 的半吊子俘虏 不是吗。

11. And i wasn't about to risk my share on some halfwit hire.

译文:我可不能把个人利益赌在 And I wasn't about to risk my share 半吊子身上 on some half -wit hire.。

12. Mr. Cantuis... the only terms to describe you are imposture and mediocrity.

译文:喔,孔先生 我只有5个字可以形容你 半吊子庸才。

13. You don't get to ask me to fund a plan this half-assed and then paint me as somebody who wants to deny... health care to third-world kids.

译文:你不能叫我为这样半吊子的项目出资 然后把我说成是拒绝给... 第三世界国家儿童 提供医疗帮助的人。

14. Semi-intellectual, artist on the top of her career, looking for the single male.

译文:我这样半吊子的艺术家 正处在事业的巅峰 我想寻找单身的异性。

15. To expound some half-baked philosophy.

译文:就为了解释半吊子的哲学 To expound some half -baked philosophy.。

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