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高盛用英语怎么说 高盛的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-14 01:27:50
  • 160

高盛用英语怎么说 高盛的英语翻译

高盛用英语翻译为"  Goldman Sachs",在日常中也可以翻译为"  Goldman Sachs Group",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到26个与高盛相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   Goldman Sachs

高盛翻译为   Goldman Sachs。

Ruth Simmons joined Goldman Sachs's board as an outside director in January 2000; a year later she became president of Brown University.


2.   Goldman Sachs Group

高盛翻译为   Goldman Sachs Group。

示例:他在回应高盛公司 Abby Joseph Cohen 的提问时表示,投资者最终会重拾对股票市场的信心。
In response to a question from Goldman Sachs, Abby Joseph Cohen, he said investors will eventually regain confidence in the stock market.


3.   GS-US

高盛翻译为   GS-US。

But by the end of 2009, Ms. Simmons was under fire for having sat on Goldman's compensation committee; how could she have let those enormous bonus payouts pass unremarked?


4.   Goldman

高盛翻译为   Goldman。

示例:Where can i find Mr. Goldman?
我在哪儿能找到Goldman先生? Where can I find Mr. Goldman?



1. koshing( 高盛)

2. Goldman roll( 高盛卷)

3. gsci( 高盛商品指数(Goldman Sachs Commodity index);标普高盛商品指数;标准普尔高盛商品指数)

4. godstar( 高盛达;加为好友)

5. tap ladle(盛铁桶;盛钢桶)


Goldman Sachs Goldman Sachs Group Inc GS The Goldman Sachs Group ( 高盛集团 )

Goldman Sachs Goldman Sachs & Co Goldman Sachs Group Inc Goldman Sverys ( 高盛公司 )

GSCI S&P GSCI Goldman Sachs Commodity Index ( 高盛商品指数 )

Goldman Sachs International ( 高盛国际 )

Goshen College GS University ( 高盛学院 )

Goldman Sachs Tower GOLDSUN BUILDING ( 高盛大厦 )

Goldman Sachs Goldman Sachs Group US-GS US-GS Goldman Sachs Group Inc US-GS ( 高盛证券 )

Goldman Sachs is never wrong ( 高盛总没错 )

Goldman Sachs Goldman Sachs Bank USA GS Bank USA ( 高盛银行 )


1. i'm at Goldman Sachs. Oh that's funny.


2. That is Mr. Paulson's plan, former head of Goldman Sachs.


3. Treasury Secretary Paulson-- he wasn't just randomly at Goldman.

译文:长Paulson... 他在高盛可不是普通高管。

4. How's things at Goldman sachs?


5. You can trust me. i'm a Goldman Sachs man.

译文:你要相信我 我可是高盛先生。

6. Then in 2007, Goldman went even further.

译文:到2007年 高盛变本加厉。

7. Deeb Winston, Goldman Sachs.


8. Why are we still hanging out with the Sachs?


9. it's true! Goldman, Lehman Brothers, Merrill... Collateralized debt obligations?

译文:真的 高盛 莱曼兄弟 梅里 债务抵押证券。

10. Golman Sachs are extremely efficient at what they do.


11. - Uh, no, i work at Goldman Sachs.

译文:没有 我在高盛工作。

12. Really. Matt doesn't seem like a Goldman Sachs man to me, Tori.

译文:是吗 麦特不像是高盛的人嘛 多莉。

13. is this the United States Congress or the board of directors of Goldman Sachs?

译文:这是美国议会 还是高盛的董事会呢。

14. Goldman Sachs projected 2027.


15. Josh Birnbaum made a 4 billion dollar profit by shortselling junk mortgages,

译文:高盛交易员迈克·斯文森和乔什·宾堡 {\pos(102.72,220.16)}乔什·宾堡 高盛前总经理。

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