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总线用英语怎么说 总线的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-01-16 04:39:46
  • 145

总线用英语怎么说 总线的英语翻译

总线的英语是"  [计] Highway",还网络中常译为"bus",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到77个与总线相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   [计] Highway

总线翻译为   [计] Highway。

示例:不过,此解决方案意味着 SI 总线上的目的地是分区的。
This solution, however, implies that the destinations on the SI Bus are partitioned.


2. bus


示例:您也可以在该集群上为 SI 总线手动创建附加的消息传递引擎。
You can also manually create additional messaging engines on that cer for that SI Bus.


3.   MHz

总线翻译为   MHz。

All new PCs now have USB sockets.


4.   FSB

总线翻译为   FSB。

示例:The guy said he was an FSB Major



1. emulation bus(模拟总线;仿真总线)

2. shared bus(共享总线;共用总线)

3. profibus(现场总线;过程现场总线;现场总线技术)

4. electric mains([电] 总线)

5. field bus(现场总线)


front-side bus FSB MHz Head Bus ( 前端总线 )

field bus Profibus-DP FCS Profibus ( 现场总线 )

universal serial bus USB Universing Seriing Bus ( 通用串行总线 )

data bus DB Dbus data highway ( 数据总线 计 )

Enterprise Service Bus ESB mule ESB Oracle Enterprise Service Bus ( 企业服务总线 )

ARCNET Token-passing Bus Token Bus Token Bus ( 令牌总线 )

address bus AB AddrBus CPU A CPU ( 地址总线 计 )

Bus mastering ( 总线主控 )


1. ♪ The bus then the train ♪


2. They get on a bus and go into town.

译文:他们得到一个总线上 和进城。

3. Every two days there's a bus from Pnicia.

译文:每两天有 从腓尼基总线。

4. Billy, come on, the bus is here.

译文:比利,来吧, 的总线是这里。

5. -our buses are all rerouted

译文:- 我们的总线都改。

6. i'm putting him on the 10 A.M. bus.


7. We were put on this bus to take this organ to Edelbruck.

译文:我们在此总线 借此器官到Edelbré? ZK。

8. The-the bus caught a flat tire.

译文:该 -总线抓了爆胎。

9. One of the locals grabbed a main bus. Both hands.

译文:其中一个这里的人抓着总线 用两手抓着。

10. Jimmy, ...get out of the bus.

译文:吉米, 走出总线。

11. We were seat-mates on the bus.

译文:我们在座位上的队友 总线。

12. How lucky for you that Luke was on that bus.

译文:多么幸运的你, 卢克是总线上。

13. i think it's Jefferson's bus.


14. Theyinvitedme to this bigpartyon Christmas Eve... (bussputtering)

译文:他们邀请我到这个 圣诞大派对 夏娃. (总线溅射)。

15. You don't wanna be on the bus naked or in Starbucks naked.

译文:你不想成为 在总线上的 或在星巴克赤身。

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