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精品店展柜用英语怎么说 精品店展柜英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-10-04 17:22:21
  • 110

精品店展柜用英语怎么说 精品店展柜英语翻译

精品店展柜的英语为"giftshops",其次还可以说成"gift shops",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到91个与精品店展柜相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. giftshops

2. gift shops

精品店展柜翻译为gift shops。

示例:Like a friend, a gift for a friend.
a gift for a friend.


3. gift store

精品店展柜翻译为gift store。

示例:What did you buy at the gift store?


4. l.k


示例:N, M, L, K, J... N, M, L, K, J...



1. l.k( 篵;精品店;漏电感)

2. giftshops( 礼品店;礼品-精品店;礼物店)

3. gift store( 礼品店;礼品屋;精品店)

4. meggy( 林于涵;美姬;精品店)

5. gift shops(na. 礼品店\n 礼品-精品店;礼物店;礼物商店)


1. Future attendant of a male boutique.


2. Can you be at Claire's Boutique at the mall at 4:00?


3. Just a quick stop at Tiffany's, and i'll be born again.

译文:再去蒂芙尼精品店逗留一会儿,我从未 这么兴奋过。

4. i don't have any weapon. i take all back.

译文:我没有呀 都送回精品店了。

5. And here is... the wonder of all wonders.

译文:这就是 精品中的精品。

6. He goes, "i'm going to the Zara store. it's three miles away.


7. And while Daisy was showering, the taxi was waiting outside a boutique for the woman to pick up a package which hadn't been wrapped yet, because the girl who was supposed to wrap it had broken up with her boyfriend the night before and forgot.

译文:黛西在洗澡的时候 计程车停在一家精品店外面 等那位女士去拿的礼物。

8. The novelty shop in the mall closes at ten.


9. Come, i'll show you. Open up the store.


10. Look at this marvelous set.


11. i was passing that fancy shop on the Kurfuerstendamm... and there was this white silk dress in the window... with polka dots all over it and a matching hat.

译文:当我经过选帝侯大街的那家精品店时 看到橱窗里有一条白丝裙 上面有圆点花缀,外带配搭一顶帽子。

12. - it's like a little accessories store.

译文:- 像个精品店。

13. Think about all the fast food chains, clothing boutiques, or mobile phone kiosks at the mall.

译文:想想所有的快餐连锁店,服装精品店, 或者在商场的移动电话亭。

14. Got this from a boutique near the cafe.


15. Like let's just say there's a Louis Vuitton boutique, right?

译文:比如说 这里有一家路易威登精品店。

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