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不想安于现状用英语怎么说 不想安于现状英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-10-03 00:38:59
  • 84

不想安于现状用英语怎么说 不想安于现状英语翻译

不想安于现状用英语说"existing condition",还可以翻译为status quo,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到93个与不想安于现状相关的翻译和例句。


1. existing condition

不想安于现状翻译为existing condition。

示例:The fall in the shower didn't affect your pre-existing heart condition.
浴室里的那次跌倒并未影响 你先前的心脏症状


2. status quo

不想安于现状翻译为status quo。

示例:That's the status quo today.


3. unthink


示例:it's all right i can unthink it
这没什么问题的, 我可以不去想的


4. existing status

不想安于现状翻译为existing status。

示例:What's -- what's your status?
What's - - what's your status?



1. unthink(不想 )

2. status quo(现状 )

3. existing condition(现状)

4. existing state(现状)

5. existing status(现状)


1. He proposed this change when he was in yourdepartment, it was turned down, people were used to the existing procedure

译文:他说他在职期间提过这个建议 He proposed this change when he was in yourdepartment, 但大家安于现状 把它否决了 it was turned down, people were used to the existing procedure。

2. i shall be perfectly content.


3. But you can understand why there may be forces in the breast-imaging world who prefer the status quo.

译文:也许你能明白 在成像领域中, 有些人却安于现状,施加阻力的原因。

4. And so they were not that interested to connect all their branches, and then to be -- and rock the boat.

译文:他们对于将所有分行连成网络的想法并不感兴趣, 只想安于现状。

5. But if you want to reach the very top, you should delay gratification and, of course, become a politician.

译文:如果你想到达万人之上 你就不能安于现状 要成为一个家。

6. i'm hoping it's not your life's ambition, but i have no idea.

译文:我希望你别这样安于现状 但我也不清楚你怎么想。

7. it's because i've no ambition


8. You're not moving in, Leonard's not moving out, everything stays exactly the way it is.

译文:你不来同居 Leonard不搬走 一切安于现状。

9. There is no instability in my home.


10. And so they were not that interested to connect all their branches, and then to be -- and rock the boat.

译文:他们对于将所有分行连成网络的想法并不感兴趣, 只想安于现状。

11. - over the last couple of days.


12. And we've set up charities that will help us fund the clinical research to determine the best treatment practice now and better treatment into the future, so we don't just sit on our laurels and say, "Okay, we're doing okay.

译文:我们已经建立慈善组织 给予我们 临床试验资金方面的帮助 用来测定目前最好的理疗实践 和将来更好的治疗方法, 所以我们不能安于现状说,“我们做的还不错。

13. You're lazy and passive and entitled and--

译文:- 你懒惰 消极 安于现状 - 好了我懂了。

14. The status quo. Keep the status quo.

译文:现状 保持现状。

15. it's true. i mean, people just get complacent. it happens.


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