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柳叶用英语怎么说 柳叶的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-10-20 20:48:56
  • 210

柳叶用英语怎么说 柳叶的英语翻译

柳叶的英语为"salix leaf",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到17个与柳叶相关的翻译和例句。


1. salix leaf

柳叶翻译为salix leaf。

The study appeared in the Lancet.



1. Epilobium hirsutum( 柳叶菜;柳叶菜科柳叶菜)

2. salicifolia( 柳叶山茶;柳叶繁缕;柳叶蛇根草)

3. willlow( 柳叶)

4. Pasania dodonaeifolia( 柳叶柯;柳叶石栎)

5. salicifolium( 柳叶鳝藤;柳叶海金沙)


The Lancet Lncet ( 柳叶刀 )

Onagraceae Oenotheraceae Evening primrose family ( 柳叶菜科 植 )

Epilobium willow-herb ( 柳叶菜属 植 )

Epilobium hirsutum Epilobium willow herb Epilobium nankotaizanense Yamamoto ( 柳叶菜 )

Chimonanthus salicifolius salicifolius ( 柳叶蜡梅 )

Inula salicina ( 柳叶旋覆花 )

Ludwigia epilobioides ( 假柳叶菜 )

Epilobium parviflorum E. parviflorum Schreber E.parviflorum Shchreb Epilobium parviflorum Schret ( 小叶菜 )

Callistemon salignus salignus ( 柳叶红千层 )


1. Well, it's because its brain had been infected with a lancet fluke that was -- needed to get into the belly of a sheep or a cow in order to reproduce.

译文:蚂蚁的脑子感染了柳叶吸虫 这种虫必须在牛羊的体内繁殖,所以蚂蚁爬上草,让牛羊吃掉。

2. Lancet flukes aren't smart.


3. it takes arrogance to cut someone to save their life.


4. The Lancet, one of the two greatest medical journals in the world, last summer labeled this a medical emergency now.

译文:《柳叶刀》,世界上最伟大的 两个医学期刊之一, 去年夏天将这事件 标记为医学紧急事件。

5. And why the ant was doing it was because its brain had been infected with a lancet fluke that was needed to get into the belly of a sheep or a cow in order to reproduce.

译文:蚂蚁为什么要这么做? 蚂蚁的脑子感染了柳叶吸虫 这种虫必须在牛羊的体内繁殖,所以蚂蚁爬上草,让牛羊吃掉。

6. Yes, scalpel... gauze... saw... saw... saw...

译文:对 柳叶刀 纱布 插! 插! 插。

7. Brother, i think he'll never win


8. This is The Lancet medical review, and they published this study that was conducted in France and it proves that AZT alone is too toxic for most to tolerate, and has no lasting effect on HiV blood levels.

译文:这是《柳叶刀》上的医学评论 “《柳叶刀》是医学界最有名的杂志” 他们发表了这项在法国进行的研究成果。

9. A commission from The Lancet rates Cuba among the best performing middle-income countries in health.

译文:《柳叶刀》的委员会, 将古巴列为 中等收入国家中健康水平最好的国家之一。

10. So my view of the health care worker of the future is not a doctor, but an 18-year-old, otherwise unemployed, who has two things: a backpack full of these tests and a lancet to occasionally take a blood sample, and an AK-47.

译文:并不一定是科班出生的医生 只要他年满18周岁,无其他全职工作。在背包中有充足的试纸仪器; 一把柳叶刀,可用于突发的采血需要; 还有一把AK47。

11. No it doesn't it's the latest style


12. "According to a study published by British journal Lancet..."

译文:"根据英国期刊《柳叶刀》报道..." (注: The Lancet是一份医学期刊。)。

13. Lancet flukes aren't smart.

译文:柳叶吸虫并不聪明 我觉得一只柳叶吸虫的智商大概会在。

14. Call the Lancet, because that's one bizarre allergic reaction.

译文:给《柳叶刀》杂志社打电话, 因为那可是一种怪异的过敏反应. (《柳叶刀》: 英国著名医学杂志《LANCET》)。

15. San Ta, i still have my weapons


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