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低层用英语怎么说 低层的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-18 17:06:36
  • 143

低层用英语怎么说 低层的英语翻译

低层的英语可以这样说:  low-rise,其次还可以说成"lower seam",在《现代英语词典》中,共找到55个与低层相关的释义和例句。


1.   low-rise

低层翻译为   low-rise。

But modular and prefabricated buildings elsewhere are, for the most part, low-rise.


2. lower seam

低层翻译为lower seam。

The high- and low-rise apartment blocks built in the 1960s are crumbling.


3. substratum


We will come back to this and flush out some of these lower level details.


4. lower layers -

低层翻译为 lower layers -。

示例:Listen, Poe, can i lower this?
can I lower this?



1. low layer information(低层资讯)

2. low level air(大气低层)

3. low storied building(低层建筑)

4. low story dwelling(低层住宅)

5. lower atmosphere(低层大气)


low-lever code low level code LLC ( 低层码 )

OrderNeed ( 低层次需求 )

lower arena attic ( 地下低层 )

low storied dwelling low storey housing low-rise dwelling low-rise dwelling building ( 低层住宅 )

suce su ce ( 建立表面低层对象 )

low storied building low-rise building rise development low buildings ( 低层建筑 )

low graduation ( 低层次剪法 )


1. Once we've dispensed with the likes of Wilder, we play the lower people off against each other.

译文:等我们把王尔德这种人都肃清了 我们就挑拨低层人自相残杀。

2. And second, we've got to stop clicking on the lowest-common-denominator, bottom-feeding linkbait.

译文:第二,停止点击那些 迎合大众口味的,低层次的 链接。

3. And someone on a lower floor isn't given such a card?


4. We have got to show the lower floors that we can throw a better party than them.

译文:我们得让低层的人知道 我们比他们更会开派对。

5. Mr. Kane's quarters are nearer the ground, but he's being well looked after, and, like you, is probably enjoying a hearty breakfast.

译文:坚尼正身处低层 得到悉心照料 像你一样 享受精美的早餐。

6. Without recognizing the villagers as equal human beings, we can't guarantee the equality of all people.

译文:他们不解放处于社会最低层的部落民 还在那谈什么四民平等。

7. Some low-level individual said that he believed he knew where Saddam Hussein was.

译文:一些低层次的个人 说,他相信 他知道在哪里 ・侯赛因是。

8. The poorest and most backward societies are always those that put women down.

译文:在最为贫穷的社会中 往往妇女位于最低层。

9. Shaking down low-life drug dealers, pimps, whatever scratch they could get.

译文:什么低层的毒贩啦 客啦 无所不用其极。

10. The big brain integrates signals, which come from the running programs of the lower brain, But subsumption means that the higher brain can interfere with the lower.

译文:大个的大脑整合所有信号, 这些信号来自较低层大脑 所运转的程序, 但包容意味着, 高层大脑能够干涉低层次的大脑。

11. All lower-level agents have been lied to.


12. The warhead has entered the lower atmosphere.

译文:- 弹头已经进入了... 低层大气层。

13. Are you sure? All lower level and facing the hill?


14. i got 3 in Block 8, lower level, 7 in Block 2, high level

译文:我有三个第八座低层单位 七个第二座高层。

15. He's a high-ranking career officer, Me for the street cop...


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