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园外用英语怎么说 园外的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-13 20:42:05
  • 63

园外用英语怎么说 园外的英语翻译

园外的英语翻译是"the campus",其次还可以说成"hostelled",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到38个与园外相关的译文和例句。


1. the campus

园外翻译为the campus。

It was the long walk outside the gardens with the walls around them.


2. hostelled


I am only the advisor; the newspaper office is off campus on Pine Street.


3. offcampus


When she passed under the arch leading out of the park, Mira whooped with delight.


4. extramurals


1. offcampus(na. 在校外\n 校园外;校外招聘;校外的)

2. the campus( 校园;校园酒店;了解校园外部世界的重要性)

3. getting to know( 大学生了解社会的必要性;让你了解校园外面的世界;增进了解)

4. hostelled(n.\n青年招待所\n(新移民临时的)住宿处\n[主英国英语](走读生在校园外的)大学生宿舍\n疗养所,福利疗养地\n[古语]旅店,客栈\nvt. ,vi.\n(徒步)旅行;投宿(招待所等):\nAre you going to hostel this summer holiday?\n今年暑假你打算去旅行吗?\n经营(旅店或招待所))

5. extramurals(extramural\n['ekstrə'mjuərəl]\nadj.\n市外的,城镇以外的,城堡(或城墙)以外的\n学校以外的,大学以外的,校墙外的,校园外的[参较 intramural]\n本机构以外的\n参加(或有关)大学附设部课程(或讲座)的\n[主英国英语](有关)对校外学生提供的课程(或讲座)的\n大学之间非正式比赛的,(非校队参加的)校际比赛的)


Alien Nine ( 校园外星人 )

outside the manor ( 庄园外 )

Off Campus ( 校园外 )

MoDeL Melody MoDeL Jennifer MoDeL Christy ( 大埔海滨公园外影 )

Zoo Mall ( 动物园外服务中心 )

Off-Campus Housing ( 校园外住房 )

Strangers in Paradise ( 乐园外来客 )

Stories of the Opera Theatre ( 梨园外史 )

Corss Road Cofe ( 胡姬园外高桥店 )

River out of Eden ( 伊甸园外的生命长河 )


1. They open their coats when they see you coming and they've got nowt on underneath.

译文:你不想在伦敦工作了 你们知道上次 我在动物园外面看到什么了吗。

2. - i took that outside at the park earlier.


3. i'm outside Patterson Park, about to go into a hospital.


4. Batman has been surrounded by Gotham police inside an abandoned tenement off Robinson Park.

译文:蝙蝠侠已被哥谭警方包围 目前躲在罗宾逊公园外一栋废弃公寓里。

5. She wound up wandering outside the park and getting shot.


6. All we know now is there are signs of foul play in a car found abandoned outside of Pen Park.

译文:目前只知宝州公园外一辆车上... 有犯罪迹象。

7. Nairobi National Park is not fenced in the south widely, which means wild animals like zebras migrate out of the park freely.

译文:内罗毕国家公园的南部并没有全部围起栅栏 这就意味着像斑马这样的野生动物 可以自由地在公园外移动。

8. 30 years of rose garden diplomacy have not delivered us peace in this conflict.

译文:30年的玫瑰花园外交 并没有给这里的区域冲突中带来和平。

9. One species of these amazing plants can be found growing outside in the grounds of Kew.

译文:这些奇妙植物的一种 在邱园外面的地上 就可以找到。

10. if you won't go out in the garden alone nothing will happen to you.


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