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热力图用英语怎么说 热力图的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-02-12 13:45:59
  • 179

热力图用英语怎么说 热力图的英语翻译

热力图的英语翻译是"thermodynamic diagram",其次还可以说成"thermodynamic chart",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到35个与热力图相关的释义和例句。


1. thermodynamic diagram

热力图翻译为thermodynamic diagram。

On August 24th Tube officials published a heat map of the network.


2. thermodynamic chart

热力图翻译为thermodynamic chart。

示例:i got to get the seating chart.
Oh, I got to get the seating chart.


3.   thermodynamic chart

热力图翻译为   thermodynamic chart。

示例:Just put a star on my chart
Just put a star on my chart



1. thermodynamic chart(热力图)

2. thermodynamic diagram(热力图解)

3. audiogram(听力图 )

4. ergograme(测力图)

5. force diagram([机] 力图)


thermodynamic diagram ( 热力图解 )

heat map ( 热力型地图 )

thermodynamic charts ( 热力学图表 )

Attention heat map ( 力热图 )

phase diagram thermodynamics ( 相图热力学 )


1. That meant there had to be heat under all that ice... heat that created oceans of water.

译文:显示冰下一定有热力 热力产生大量的水。

2. He absorbs energy-- electricity, heat, life.

译文:他吸收能量。电力,热力, 生活。

3. This one shows the wind potential all around the United States.

译文:这展示了 美国各地的风能潜力图。

4. it's hot pursuit, Hooper. i'm going in.


5. The heat separated the ice from the rock.


6. Lui Gung had a plan from the start ...to overthrow our Boxer Gang

译文:雷公早有预谋 力图推翻我们的义和团。

7. And what that means is that liquid core can freeze solid.

译文:热力流失, 液态核心就会凝固。

8. Can you feel it, the heat of it?


9. The heat will cauterize and seal the wound.


10. - Second law of thermodynamics.

译文:- 热力学第二定律 - 是的 就是热力学 - Second law of thermodynamics.。

11. You can teach it. She doesn't have Cristal's heat

译文:但没有Cristal Connors的热力。

12. This one shows the wind potential all around the United States.

译文:这展示了 美国各地的风能潜力图。

13. Aheatforlove. irresistible.


14. Wait. The queen wanted to help the Confederacy?

译文:等等 女王力图帮助南部邦联。

15. Jay Walker, curator of the Library of Human imagination, conducts a surprising show-and-tell session highlighting a few of the intriguing artifacts that backdropped the 2008 TED stage.

译文:Jay Walker的人类想象力图书馆。

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