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肉类食品用英语怎么说 肉类食品英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-26 17:13:32
  • 127

肉类食品用英语怎么说 肉类食品英语翻译

肉类食品用英语说"meat product",在日常中也可以翻译为"  Meat food",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到24个与肉类食品相关的翻译和例句。


1. meat product

肉类食品翻译为meat product。

Chicken is another meat popular in Chinese meals.


2.   Meat food

肉类食品翻译为   Meat food。

Nitrite is used for curing meat.


3.   Meat Products

肉类食品翻译为   Meat Products。

示例:您带没带水果或肉类食品? ?
Do you have any fruits or meat with you?



1. saltasaurids( 盐类食品)

2. meat can([食品] 肉类罐头)

3. meat department([食品] 肉类部门)

4. meat industry([食品] 肉类工业)

5. veterinary food inspection([食品] 肉类检查)


Inspectors of meat food products ( 肉类食品检查员 )

Cancer Rehabilitation ( 肉类食品抽查三成合格 )

Meat processing ( 肉类食品加工 )

Processing of meat products ( 加工类肉食品 )

meat snack ( 肉干类食品 )

meat packers ltd ( 肉类罐头食品公司 )


1. We were told, we were assured, that the more meat and dairy and poultry we ate, the healthier we'd be.

译文:我们被告知,并且我们确信, 随着我们摄入更多的肉类,乳类和家禽类食品, 我们会变得更健康。

2. Oh, i wish i could be vegan, but i really like eggs.

译文:哦,我也想坚持吃素来着 但是我太喜欢蛋类食品了。

3. No, Cocoa Puffs and Fruit Loops, that's cereal.

译文:没有可可粉 水果 只有谷类食品.。

4. McDonald's, probably the biggest purchaser of meat in the food service industry.

译文:麦当劳,可能是食品服务业中 最大的肉类采购商。

5. Which bring me full circle and points directly to the core issue, the overproduction and overconsumption of meat and junk food.

译文:我们回到问题的关键, 对于肉类和垃圾食品的过度制造和过度消耗。

6. And meat, in fact, is something that costs a lot of our agricultural production.

译文:实际上,肉类食品的 农业生产成本 很高。

7. What was the name of that girl that we used on the cereal company sneak last year?

译文:去年我们帮那家谷类食品早餐 做事时的女孩叫什么。

8. - So don't order any meat.


9. No. Overconsumption of animals, and of course, junk food, is the problem, along with our paltry consumption of plants.

译文:这是错的。对动物的过度食用,当然还有垃圾食品, 是问题所在,还有对植物类食品的摄入不足。

10. But then there's a lot of problems that come with meat production, and we're being faced with that more and more often.

译文:然而肉类食品的生产, 却带有很多问题, 而且这些问题会越来越普遍。

11. if you look at how much fish protein you get per dollar invested compared to all of the other animal proteins, obviously, fish is a good business decision.

译文:如果你去比较花费一美元 能从肉类食品中得到的蛋白质的量, 你会发现,鱼类比其他任何肉类食品都含有更多的蛋白质。很明显,鱼类是很好的商业选择。

12. Should avoid eating things like chicken right before flying.


13. Why couldn't we get cereal?


14. full of whole grains, a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables.

译文:不要有染色剂,防腐剂 全都是谷类食品 很多新鲜水果,蔬菜。

15. But then there's a lot of problems that come with meat production, and we're being faced with that more and more often.

译文:然而肉类食品的生产, 却带有很多问题, 而且这些问题会越来越普遍。

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