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气绝用英语怎么说 气绝的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-12-04 01:10:46
  • 107

气绝用英语怎么说 气绝的英语翻译

气绝用英语说"breathe one's last",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到18个与气绝相关的译文和例句。


1. breathe one's last

气绝翻译为breathe one's last。

It's not nearly as hot as last year.



1. electric insulation(电气绝缘)

2. leipopsychia([医] 失神, 气绝)

3. lipopsyche([医] 失神, 气绝)

4. empire colth(电气绝缘布)

5. electrical oil(电气绝缘用油)


air insulation ( 空气绝缘 电 )

electrical insulation electrical insulators electric insulation dielectric strength ( 电气绝缘 )

electroinsulating material Electrial insulation ( 电气绝缘材料 )

air-insulated air-cloistral ( 空气绝缘的 )

barometric absolute pressure BAP ( 大气绝对压力 )

fuller board eleatrical press board ( 电气绝缘压榨纸板 )

Air-space cable air-space calbe air-core cable ( 空气绝缘电缆 )

electric insulating oil Insulating Oil ( 电气绝缘油 )

fully enclosed air isolation ( 全封闭式空气绝缘 )

air insulated terminal box ( 空气绝缘接线盒 )


1. Most of the oxygen in the atmosphere is generated by the sea.


2. And then a day of bad weather, a day i shouldn't have gone paragliding.


3. Marc Antony of Rome lives no more!


4. it acted up out of no where the other day


5. i'm just standing there. Old women, men, kids, just dead, and i lost it.

译文:我站在哪儿,老妇人 男人、小孩才刚气绝,我气疯了。

6. Most of the oxygen in the atmosphere is generated by the sea.


7. You are to be taken to the place of execution where you will be hanged by the neck until you be dead.

译文:你会在刑场 被用绳子吊颈 - 直到气绝身亡。

8. "The attorney has died before reaching the hospital.

译文:在送院途中气绝身亡 还有气泡。

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