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混打用英语怎么说 混打的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-12-09 15:32:12
  • 59

混打用英语怎么说 混打的英语翻译




mixed doubles in the mixed doubles doubles ( 混打 )

Electric Blender and Mixer ( 电动混打器 )

SLACK MAN ( 打混上班族 )

Slack Off ( 摸鱼打混 )

ramming compound ramming mix rammingmixture ( 捣打混合物 )

mixing beater ( 混合打浆机 )

concrete breaker ( 混凝土打碎机 )

concrete pile driving ( 打混凝土桩 )


1. Three years ago, he robbed a store with his friends... and i called the cops on him

译文:三年前他跟屋邨小混混打劫商店 是我报警。

2. We can play in mixed doubles. Finally i get to see you play.


3. Great to be here tonight in this explosion of mixed martial arts.


4. Tyler was leaving some club in Hollywood and he got jumped by a bunch of ers.

译文:Tyler在离开好莱坞一家酒吧的 时候被一群小混混打了。

5. After a fight, the weather goes fine!


6. You left synagogue and a gang of skinheads jumped you.

译文:你离开教会后 在停车场被小混混打劫。

7. Because if he ever finds out i can be beat by one lousy grifter...

译文:万一他知道 我被其他小混混打败。

8. i've never seen a girl playing cards... with a bunch of guys in the men's dorm at night!

译文:我就从来没见过一个女孩子 深更半夜的在男生宿舍厮混打牌。

9. -He got jacked by some spics.


10. And number one comes back with the jump kick, but i know judo karate, too, so i'm like -- (Drums) Twice!

译文:然后又一个混混打算从后面飞踢我 不过我也练过空手道,所以我就这样 (鼓声) 再来一次。

11. Being stomped on by a bunch of ers is gonna seem like a playdate compared to the can of -ass

译文:被一群混混打伤就想玩过家家一样 我一定会撕烂你的...。

12. i got in a fight with some punks on a subway.


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