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不作为犯用英语怎么说 不作为犯英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-09-28 04:06:50
  • 95

不作为犯用英语怎么说 不作为犯英语翻译

不作为犯的英语是"  Unterlassungsdelikte",还网络中常译为"the crime of omission -",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到38个与不作为犯相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   Unterlassungsdelikte

不作为犯翻译为   Unterlassungsdelikte。

Part one: fundamental problems of negative crimes.


2. the crime of omission -

不作为犯翻译为 the crime of omission -。

Negative crime is a kind of crime committed by one who fails to fulfill his obligation when he is capable of doing that.



1. lack of action(不作为)

2. impoverished management(不作为管理)

3. non faciendo([法] 不作为)

4. pure omission(纯正不作为)

5. doer of omission([法] 不作为的人)


negative crime non-action crime crime of omission ( 不作为犯罪 法 )

offense of nontypical omission omission ( 不纯正不作为犯 )

Causality of negative crime ( 不作为犯罪因果关系 )

non-typical negative crime ( 不纯正不作为犯罪 )

standard omission offense ( 纯正不作为犯 )

Nonfeasance and complicity ( 不作为与共同犯罪 )


1. They're not just less politically engaged.


2. Your opponent has linked your inactivity to your fondness for single-malts.

译文:你的对手称 你的不作为和单麦芽有关系。

3. Well, not as sorry as my wife.


4. My favorite quote is, "All it takes for evil to prevail is for a few good men and women to do nothing."

译文:我最喜欢的一句话是, “善良的人不作为, 就会蔓延。”。

5. For if you keep silent, deliverance for the Jews will arise from someplace else,

译文:若你不作为,那么对犹太人的判决 就会突然出现。

6. The government's current failure to stop the genocide in Sudan... violates both U.S. Law and policy.

译文:对苏丹种族的这种不作为 违背了美国的法律及政策。

7. - You're just covering your own ass.


8. They're liable because their religion wouldn't let them act.

译文:- 他们承担法律责任是因为信仰让其不作为。

9. i appreciate you not yelling at me about what the "Times" isn't doing

译文:《》不作为 我也没有更积极地参与。

10. in my illegal, immoral design, generic had the no-action benefit.

译文:在我、不道德的设计中, 仿制药有了不作为的好处。

11. This is the cops not responding.


12. Believe it or not, there is a blog that wants to print a story on the magazine for not running.

译文:信不信由你 有一篇博客 要揭露杂志不作为的行径。

13. i mean, am i not as attractive as i think i am?

译文:我的意思是,我不作为 有吸引力的,因为我想我。

14. The numbers continue to grow because we do nothing to prevent it and nothing to stop it.

译文:难民数持续上升都是由于 我们的不作为。

15. As a man, i can't. Yes, i can, as a man...

译文:不作为一个男人能 我又不是让你追求她。

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