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中国传统国画用英语怎么说 中国传统国画英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-30 16:34:45
  • 93

中国传统国画用英语怎么说 中国传统国画英语翻译

中国传统国画的英语是"baijiu",还经常被译作traditional chinese culture,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到96个与中国传统国画相关的译文和例句。


1. baijiu


示例:Xu Baijiu, where are you going?


2. traditional chinese culture

中国传统国画翻译为traditional chinese culture。

示例:it's a tradition of Chinese culture.


3. traditional chinese painting

中国传统国画翻译为traditional chinese painting。

示例:You're using my money! [English - US You're using my money!
[Mandarin Traditional]


4. Qixi


1. gu zheng( 中国传统乐器)

2. traditional chinese culture(中国传统文化)

3. Qixi(七夕 中国传统节日)

4. baijiu(白酒 一种中国传统蒸馏酒)

5. traditional chinese painting(国画)


1. Unlike the Western tradition, the Chinese Dragon is a symbol for power, strength and wealth.

译文:不同于西方传统 中国龙是权力,力量和财富的象征。

2. in the Chinese culture, you'd be responsible for me for life.

译文:照中国人的传统 你这辈子都得对我负责。

3. - Traditional. Traditional is what i meant.

译文:传统 我就是说传统。

4. Now, this is Western society, and what i hope to do tonight is to convince you of the Chinese traditional culture, that they perceive bats as creatures that bring good luck, and indeed, if you walk into a Chinese home, you may see an image such as this.

译文:这是西方社会的情况,我希望在今晚 说服你们,在中国传统文化中, 他们把蝙蝠看作 可以带来好运气的生物。确实,如果你走进 一个中国家庭,你可能会看到这样一幅图。

5. So you're the one who copied all those Chinese paintings.


6. Moreover, this is a very old state tradition, a very old tradition of statecraft.

译文:此外,中国是一个非常古老的传统国家, 有一个非常古老传统的治国纲领。

7. They say you made a perfect copy of a Chinese painting... you'd seen only once.

译文:听说你完美地临摹了一幅中国画... ...。

8. i also learned the delicate art of chinese painting.


9. in Chinese tradition, the best thing is reserved for the Master

译文:其实我们中国人的传统 最好的东西都是留给师傅的。

10. These are traditional... very traditional.

译文:这些都是传统 非常传统的。

11. Moreover, this is a very old state tradition, a very old tradition of statecraft.

译文:此外,中国是一个非常古老的传统国家, 有一个非常古老传统的治国纲领。

12. it's just a traditional, uh...


13. To find it he needed to pinpoint an identifiable traditional Chinese landmark.

译文:要找到它,他需要辨别出 一个可识别的中国传统标记。

14. i went to USC School of Cinematic Arts and started to go there, and my mom and dad would always call me randomly and remind me that i've got to do movies about my Chinese heritage.

译文:后来我考入了南加州大学 电影艺术学院,以此为起点, 我的父母打电话给我,不时提醒我, 要拍一部关于我的 中国传统的电影。

15. - You know, the French painter?


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