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松节油用英语怎么说 松节油的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-01-18 20:28:20
  • 101

松节油用英语怎么说 松节油的英语翻译

松节油的英语是"  [林] [药] turpentine",在日常中也可以翻译为"oil of turpentine",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到96个与松节油相关的释义和例句。


1.   [林] [药] turpentine

松节油翻译为   [林] [药] turpentine。

The turpentine has strong odours; the dried turnips will be tainted.


2. oil of turpentine

松节油翻译为oil of turpentine。

Most paints reduce with turpentine.


3. turpentine


Our perennial supply of high quality pine resin, rosin and turpentine.


4.   Oleum Tetebinthinae


1. spirit of turpentine(松节油)

2. Tercbenthene(松节油)

3. terebenthene(松节油)

4. terebinthene(松节油)

5. wood turpentine oil(松节油)


terebene ( 松节油精 )

Strobane Citicide terpene polychlorinate ( 氯化松节油 )

sulfate turpentine ( 硫酸盐松节油 林 )

crude turpentine ( 粗松节油 )

wood turpentine oil wood turpentin ( 木材松节油 )

lightwood oil wood spirit of turpentine steamed wood turpentine ( 汽馏松节油 )

spruce turpentine ( 云杉松节油 )

turpentine separator stencil separator ( 松节油澄清槽 )


1. There's a palette, palette knife, oil, turpentine.


2. i don't want this guy taking you to, like, some sketchy quarry... in the middle of nowhere to find, like, crack s huffing turpentine... or pit bulls each other or whatever it is you have us doing!

译文:我不想让这家伙 带你去什么采石场... 找的女吸松节油 或是斗牛犬互相... 之类乱七八糟的事。

3. i will never be able to smell turpentine again... without thinking of this blessed afternoon.

译文:我以后再也不能闻松节油了 如果没有想起这 温罄的下午。

4. Said that Danny's turnout coat was doused in turpentine.


5. Think about how powerful that is if you're trying to encourage fuel efficiency.

译文:想想看 这在鼓励节油方面会有什么影响。

6. - This turpentine'll hurt.


7. A little heavy on the turpentine, isn't it?


8. (music) it smelled like turpentine and looked like india ink (music)

译文:味道像松节油 ,看起来像印度墨水。

9. Maybe try some turpentine. That might take the stink away.

译文:或许你该用点松节油 那玩意可以除臭。

10. Rise and shine, turpentine.


11. But i checked, and the plant owner said that there wasn't any in the factory.

译文:但我检查过 厂长也证实 工厂里面根本没有松节油。

12. Last week, another firefighter, Leo Barnes, was killed in action, same cirtances.

译文:上周一位名叫里奥·巴尼斯的消防员 也在救火中身亡 同样的情况 也发现有松节油。

13. Smoke and turpentine? is that what you smell?

译文:烟和松节油 你闻到这个吗。

14. Hi, i'm Al Cerrone, four-wheel drive SUVs just like this, with a gas-saving, six-cylinder engine, only $19,995.

译文:大家好 我是Al Cerrone 四轮驱动SUV就是这样的 配备节油六缸发动机 售价仅为19,995美元。

15. Think about how powerful that is if you're trying to encourage fuel efficiency.

译文:想想看 这在鼓励节油方面会有什么影响。

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