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做习题用英语怎么说 做习题的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-18 18:30:46
  • 500

做习题用英语怎么说 做习题的英语翻译

做习题的英语为"worksheet",还可以翻译为mock exams,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到81个与做习题相关的译文和例句。


1. worksheet


示例:We are doing math. Worksheet 18, sums 10 to 20.
我们在算数学 作业本第18页,10到20题


2. mock exams

做习题翻译为mock exams。

示例:i studied for my exams, my exams, my exams.
我复习考试 考试 考试 考试


3. ejercicio

4. supplementary task

做习题翻译为supplementary task。

示例:This is not a supplementary vitamin for the soul.



1. mock exams( 模拟考试;模拟试题;做习题)

2. ejercicio( 习题)

3. review questions(复习题)

4. supplementary task(补充习题[作业])

5. worksheet(活页练习题 )


1. None of this open-to-chapter-seven-and-do-all-the-odd-problem-sets.


2. And it includes exercises that show you not just how to solve these puzzles, but how to extract the principles that will let you solve mathematical puzzles or problems in science, other areas.

译文:它还有习题,不仅告诉你 怎样解决这些益智游戏, 而且也告诉你怎样从中提取出原理,从而让你解决 数学问题或在科学或其他领域的问题。

3. Completing practice questions under time pressure, or seated at a desk rather than on a couch, can make your stress response to these cirtances less sensitive during the test itself.

译文:在时间限制下完成练习题目, 或是坐在桌旁学习而不是沙发上 都可以让你在考试时 对这些压力的敏感性降低。

4. i have never done homework in my life.

译文:还要我自己做习题 我从来没有写过作业。

5. it would have to be personalized, you'd have to have private tutors and worksheets for every student.

译文:必须有个性化的教学方式, 一对一辅导和有针对性的练习题。

6. Alright, then i'll give you some practice questions.

译文:好 那我们做一下习题。

7. And it includes exercises that show you not just how to solve these puzzles, but how to extract the principles that will let you solve mathematical puzzles or problems in science, other areas.

译文:它还有习题,不仅告诉你 怎样解决这些益智游戏, 而且也告诉你怎样从中提取出原理,从而让你解决 数学问题或在科学或其他领域的问题。

8. And the textbook, i think, knows how it's hamstringing students because, watch this, this is the practice problem set.


9. What i'm trying to say is that you can't approach this as a purely intellectual exercise.

译文:我想说的是 或许你不能把 这些当作纯粹智力习题来对待。

10. i remember it because it shocked me


11. Um, i did the prep questions for this lab last night.

译文:我昨晚做好了这个 实验的预习题。

12. This is just another one of the modules.


13. And the textbook, i think, knows how it's hamstringing students because, watch this, this is the practice problem set.


14. And what typically happens, let's say we're in a middle school pre-algebra class, and the current unit is on exponents, the teacher will give a lecture on exponents, then we'll go home, do some homework.

译文:最常见的情况是, 假设我们身处某中学的 代数预备课堂, 现在的专题是指数函数, 老师就此内容来上课, 然后我们回家,做一些相关习题。

15. Open your books and we'll do some problems. Are you crazy?


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