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他锻炼身体用英语怎么说 他锻炼身体英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-09-08 17:10:07
  • 84

他锻炼身体用英语怎么说 他锻炼身体英语翻译

他锻炼身体通常被翻译为"in.the"的意思,还网络中常译为"workout impostor",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到80个与他锻炼身体相关的短语释义和例句。


1. in.the

2. workout impostor

他锻炼身体翻译为workout impostor。

示例:J is an impostor! impostor!


3. spot reducing

他锻炼身体翻译为spot reducing。

示例:You needn't arrest the Chinese gangsters, just solve them on spot
just solve them on spot


4. five animals exercise

他锻炼身体翻译为five animals exercise。

示例:But you should exercise caution.
But you should exercise caution.



1. five animals exercise(n. (中国锻炼身体的)五禽戏)

2. spot reducing((对…)身体某一特定部位的锻炼)

3. workout(锻炼 )

4. workout impostor(锻炼)

5. in.the( 在;身体部位;他在)


1. i'm--i'm just a fat Dutchman trying to, uh, lose a few pounds.


2. What is the point of all those pushups if you can't even lift a log?

译文:你成天都是怎么锻炼身体的 连个木头都抬不起。

3. i'll go do some exercise. .


4. i solemnly swear on this New Year's resolution to go to the gym and get in shape.

译文:在这种新秩序,去 健身房,锻炼身体 哦,当然,如果。

5. Working out, eating five hot meals a day.


6. # Work, work, work, Senora Work your body line

译文:锻炼 锻炼 夫人 锻炼你身体的曲线。

7. You're getting as fat as a pig. You need the exercise.

译文:你的动作像只猪一样,你需要 多多锻炼身体。

8. While i was training my body my attendance wasn't good enough

译文:锻炼身体期间 出勤率不够。

9. i trained my body so i can take my revenge on them


10. My routine was getting up in the mornings, training, do a lot of running, exercise, go to the beach.

译文:我的程序被唤醒 在早上,运动, 大量的运行, 锻炼身体,去海边。

11. choices we make now, like taking exercise affect us for the rest of our lives

译文:我们现在的选择,比如锻炼身体 将能改善我们今后的生活质量。

12. Three. To take more exercise.

译文:- 第三,多多锻炼身体。

13. And you can take this as practice


14. i did not come down here to exercise.


15. Who's training me to box, to let off some steam.

译文:教我打拳击而已 锻炼身体。

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