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学派用英语怎么说 学派的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-09-04 11:00:03
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学派用英语怎么说 学派的英语翻译

学派用英语翻译为"school -",其次还可以说成"  Stoics",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到97个与学派相关的翻译和例句。


1. school -

学派翻译为 school -。

And what the Stoics say in general is simply this: There is a larger plan in life.


2.   Stoics

学派翻译为   Stoics。

One school thinks that, even in cases of negative equity, most homeowners will not default if they can afford the payments.


3. school of thought

学派翻译为school of thought。

Psychologists of the Gestalt school maintain that objects are recognized as wholes in a parallel procedure: the internal representation is matched with the retinal image in a single operation.


4.   school of thought

学派翻译为   school of thought。

示例:School record, school record!
学校新纪录啊 School record, school record!



1. eclectics(综合学派, 折衷学派)

2. peripatetic school(逍遥学派;游方学派)

3. peripateticism(逍遥学派 )

4. empirical school(经验学派)

5. Kantian School(康德学派)


Vienna Circle the Vienna Circle Wiener Kreis the Vienna Circle Vienna School ( 维也纳学派 )

chicago school Chicago school of economics The Chicago School Chicago School of Economics Chicago s( 芝加哥学派 经 )

the Marburg School the Marburg School Marburger Schule Marburg school Marburger Schule ( 马堡学派 )

Frankfurt School The Frankfurt School Frankfurter Schule Die Frankfurter Schule ( 法兰克福学派 )

the Deborin school the Deborin school школа Деборина ( 德波林学派 )

the Budapest School the Budapest School Budapesti iskola Budapester Schule ( 布达佩斯学派 )

The Marginal Utility School The Marginal Utility School die Grenznutzenschule Marginal Utility Scho( 边际效用学派 )

The Lausanne School The Mathematical School L’école de Lausanne The Lausanne School The Mathematica( 洛桑学派 又作数理学派 )

The Transylvanian School Școala Ardeleană Ардялската школа Трансилванска школа The Transylvanian Sc( 阿尔迪亚尔学派 )


1. Are you the men from the university?

译文:我是罗杰德拉科 你们是大学派来的人吗。

2. There's a school of thought that says we shouldn't.


3. Number one: he couldn't imagine any life more beautiful than that of a Stoic.

译文:第一:他无法想象生活中会有比 拥有斯多葛学派更美好的生活。

4. Milton Friedman from the chicago school.

译文:很大程度上是因为芝加哥学派经济学家 米尔顿·弗里德曼。

5. This is by Ma He-zhi, of the Hangzhou school.


6. We could all get sent down from college.


7. He's an Austrian School economist who was first active in the first half of the 20th century in Vienna.


8. Well, you stoic types often do when disappointed in life.

译文:你们斯多葛学派的人 人生不如意时... 通常都会变成酒鬼。

9. The Confucian advisors said it is better we ride at night.

译文:孔子学派建议我们夜晚行军 The Confucian advisors said it is better we ride at night.。

10. in fact by the University of Tokyo.


11. But afterwards he turned back to look at his family and he had this really heartbreaking kind of stoic smile.

译文:但后来他回头看他的家人 他真的心碎 斯多葛学派的那种微笑。

12. Chicago School of Economics.


13. But, hey, there is a school of thought that says a victim of induced abreaction...

译文:但是,嘿,有个学派就声称 用来诱发其情绪宣泄的人 --。

14. The university sends its trusty radical, me... i enter the dining room of her hotel.

译文:大学派左派代表我出马 我进了她饭店的餐厅。

15. That later became "stoicism."


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