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殷实用英语怎么说 殷实的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-17 15:58:25
  • 65

殷实用英语怎么说 殷实的英语翻译

殷实的英语可以这样说:substantial,在日常中也可以翻译为"  substantial",在《中小学生词典》中,共找到80个与殷实相关的翻译和例句。


1. substantial


Are the country's finances sound?


2.   substantial

殷实翻译为   substantial。

Peyton Farquhar was a well-to-do planter, of an old and highly respected Alabama family.


3. well-off


The family is rich, and extremely sophisticated and cosmopolitan.


4.   a deep pocket

殷实翻译为   a deep pocket。

示例:He's the one with the deep pocket.



1. solid business firm([法] 殷实商号)

2. substantial firm([经] 殷实的商号)


Edwaard Liang ( 梁殷实 )

well-off ( 殷实富足 )

a substantial firm ( 殷实的商号 )

Wealth Standard ( 殷实型 )


1. Your father and i have introduced you to so many suitable young men of your class, young men of fortune, and impeccably good family.

译文:你父亲和我给你介绍了那么多合适的年轻男子 与你门当户对 家底殷实 背景无可挑剔。

2. He will be expected to marry a young lady either of high rank or great fortune, preferably both.

译文:我们都认为 他未来的太太应该身出名门 或者家境殷实 两样俱全最好了。

3. The event turns larger than expected.


4. No, what, that it might be nice to have a different past so ody could hold it against you?

译文:家底殷实 就不会有人说三道四。

5. And the rising tide of india's spectacular economic growth has lifted over 400 million indians into a buoyant middle class.

译文:印度的浪花 预示着经济的腾飞。它将托起4亿 印度人进入殷实的中产阶级。

6. - With deep fundraising pockets.


7. i mean, there's a lot of people in the room who are wealthy, and they've got kids, and we've got this dilemma about how you bring them up.

译文:演播室里在座的也有家境殷实有孩子的 把孩子拉扯还是挺进退两难的累人的。

8. And the rising tide of india's spectacular economic growth has lifted over 400 million indians into a buoyant middle class.

译文:印度的浪花 预示着经济的腾飞。它将托起4亿 印度人进入殷实的中产阶级。

9. Nevertheless, Sir Walter, the admiral has a very substantial fortune, and i have no doubt of him being a most responsible tenant.

译文:然而 沃尔特爵士 将军有着极为殷实的财产 我毫不怀疑 他会是最可靠的房客。

10. And i came from a very privileged background. i was very lucky.


11. But there was a hiring freeze. He says he doesn't need to be paid, his family is loaded.

译文:他说他不需要工资 他家境殷实。

12. Here's this decent farmer who gets thrown off his property by the Feds... and they tear his place up looking for pesticides.

译文:联邦干员将殷实农夫 赶出自家农场... 泰伦克饰演杰森崔斯克 拆屋翻地寻找杀虫剂。

13. My father was a very wealthy man.


14. in a few days, i leave for the prep school my father went to.

译文:I leave for the prep school my father went to. (注: prep school为美国为准备升入大学者而设的私立学校,生源通常都有殷实的家底)。

15. i mean, there's a lot of people in the room who are wealthy, and they've got kids, and we've got this dilemma about how you bring them up.

译文:演播室里在座的也有家境殷实有孩子的 把孩子拉扯还是挺进退两难的累人的。

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