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分别为用英语怎么说 分别为的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-09-26 09:31:55
  • 312

分别为用英语怎么说 分别为的英语翻译

分别为用英语翻译为"  Respectively",在日常中也可以翻译为"independently",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到49个与分别为相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   Respectively

分别为翻译为   Respectively。

The present value factors are taken from the present value tables (annuity and lump-sum, respectively).


2. independently


You will remember that the Bank of England once issued two notes of a million pounds each, to be used for a special purpose connected with some public transaction with a foreign country.


3.   For respectively

分别为翻译为   For respectively。

Children in both double income and "male breadwinner" households spent comparable mounts of time interacting with their parents, 19 hours and 22 hours respectively.


4. respectively


示例:We three have won respectively.



1. goal shooter( 射球手;球员位置分别为射球手)

2. reversi(n. 翻转棋戏(共64子,每子正反分别为黑白二色,二人对弈))

3. short metre(短韵律(指音节数分别为6、6、8、和6的四行一小节的诗节))

4. equinoxially( 分别)

5. fractional decomposition(分别分解)


hot rolled ( 分别为热轧 )

Pan-Asian Index Fund PAIF ( 分别为泛亚指数基金 )

Sanctification set apart ( 分别为圣 )

WarehouseID InventoryID ISBN ( 主键分别为 )

Traffic Class TC ( 分别为流量类别 )

Lexical Obfuion ( 它们分别为符号混淆 )


1. His cholesterol and his blood pressure were high, but no specific illness revealed itself.

译文:他的胆固醇 和他的血压 分别为高, 但没有具体的疾病 显露了出来。

2. Damn these were 200 dollar jeans.

译文:这些可恶的分别为200美元 牛仔裤。

3. Officials within the NYPD are not releasing the names of the officers involved in the shooting, but we have learned that they are officers Kevin Hopkins and Trey Jensen.

译文:纽约警局尚未正式公布 涉及枪击的警官姓名 但我们已获知 他们分别为Kevin Hopkins以及Trey Jensen。

4. Yeah, him and Butler were first on the scene.


5. And so they had families and they bought homes and they had mortgages, and then they started to find that they were being laid off.

译文:所以他们不得不家庭 他们买了房子 并且他们有按揭, 然后他们开始 发现它们分别为 下岗。

6. Shigenori Takano and Tsutomu Ando shall cooperate with the organization as its consul and Supreme Advisor.

译文:高野成德和安多力将负责协助工作 分别为领事和首席顾问。

7. it was a national holiday due to local elections.

译文:-那天是临时的公假日 失踪的孩子分别为。

8. Okay, i'm reading that at about 75 to 25 in favor at the start.

译文:好的,我大概了解了 开始的时候赞成和反对的人分别为75%和25%。

9. Okay, i'm reading that at about 75 to 25 in favor at the start.

译文:好的,我大概了解了 开始的时候赞成和反对的人分别为75%和25%。

10. On a par with North Evil, Black Crow, Old Snake... to help Master take care of business at the pier.

译文:跟北杀、黑鸦、老蛇平起平坐 分别为帮主管理码头所有生意。

11. 319 meters and 294 meters in height, and the tallest twins in Japan!

译文:标高分别为319米跟294米 是日本第一高的双塔大楼。

12. 'Code names Antarctica, Langdale, Porlock and Love.'

译文:代号分别为南极洲 朗登 波洛克和爱。

13. The actual amount of the pension fund is 8,210,567 dollars.

译文:实际支付的退休金分别为 八百二十一万零五百六十七元。

14. But the last two had the drop on you.

译文:另外两个分别为 然而,太多。

15. The grand jury today handed down indictments... calling for the arrests of Metropolis city councilmen...

译文:官今天将判定... 大都会遭逮捕的两位市议员 分别为...。

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