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内制用英语怎么说 内制的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-16 13:39:41
  • 92

内制用英语怎么说 内制的英语翻译

内制在英语中的翻译是"  Insourcing",在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到27个与内制相关的短语翻译和用法。


1.   Insourcing

内制翻译为   Insourcing。

This chilled air is then circulated with a fan to cool a building, a train or a car.



1. inside brake(内制动)

2. inner brake s(内制动瓦)

3. internal brake s(内制动蹄)

4. internal hydraulic brake(液压内制动)

5. home manufacture([经] 国内制造)


Yamanouchi Astellas Pharma Astellas ( 山之内制药 )

in-band system ( 带内制 通信 )

washstrake waste board ( 液舱内制水板 )

Astellas Pharma ( 山之内制药公司 )

Domestic manufacturing China home manufacture home made ( 国内制造 )

Internal Control on Company Inner control control ( 内部控制 )

internal brake ( 内制动器 )

endogamy endogamia ( 内婚制 )

Yamanouchi ( 内制药公司 )


1. i think single-cell organisms are possible within two years.


2. There's all this curdled stuff, that's cheese, we just made cheese in the last few minutes.


3. All of those things had to be generated inside the core of a star.


4. Because instead of taking weeks to months to make these, Dan's team can now make these in less than 24 hours.

译文:因为相比于之前花费数周甚至数月来制造这些 Dan的研究小组现在能够在 24小时之内制造出来。

5. Can we get 52 pieces within this month?


6. i think single-cell organisms are possible within two years.


7. Because instead of taking weeks to months to make these, Dan's team can now make these in less than 24 hours.

译文:因为相比于之前花费数周甚至数月来制造这些 Dan的研究小组现在能够在 24小时之内制造出来。

8. And possibly eukaryotic cells, those that we have, are possible within a decade.

译文:而真核细胞 我们自己拥有的这种细胞 也可能在十年内制造出来。

9. it is one lakh, 100,000 rupees, and you are to make it within that."

译文:10万卢布 (约1万5千币), 你们必须在这个价格范围内制造这辆汽车。”。

10. it is one lakh, 100,000 rupees, and you are to make it within that."

译文:10万卢布 (约1万5千币), 你们必须在这个价格范围内制造这辆汽车。”。

11. This is the use of animals now to create drugs and other things in their bodies that we want to create.

译文:现在也有作用于动物 使其能从体内制造药物和其他 我们想要的东西。

12. This is the use of animals now to create drugs and other things in their bodies that we want to create.

译文:现在也有作用于动物 使其能从体内制造药物和其他 我们想要的东西。

13. And possibly eukaryotic cells, those that we have, are possible within a decade.

译文:而真核细胞 我们自己拥有的这种细胞 也可能在十年内制造出来。

14. if you go through all of the departments of government... that are relevant to the environment- the Department of Energy and Agriculture and interior and the E.P.A... and even the relevant divisions of the justice department-you'll find the same thing.

译文:挽救日益萧条的国内制造业 但里根就是不为所动 坚持对美元采取不干预的政策。

15. But it's all UVA, and, significantly, that UVA has no ability to make vitamin D in your skin.

译文:不过那些都是UVA。至关重要的一点就在于 UVA是无法在你的皮肤内制造维生素D的。

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