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棕色人种用英语怎么说 棕色人种英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-01-25 13:06:27
  • 81

棕色人种用英语怎么说 棕色人种英语翻译

棕色人种的英语是"  [人类] brown race",还经常被译作brown race,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到91个与棕色人种相关的翻译和例句。


1.   [人类] brown race

棕色人种翻译为   [人类] brown race。

And they could , pitting the old and white against the young and brown.


2. brown race

棕色人种翻译为brown race。

Some people had the face of Qiang, while some has the rounded feature of brown people. The difference in color of the skin is great.


3.   Australoid race

棕色人种翻译为   Australoid race。

Raj: I'm brown and I talk funny.



1. human race(人种)

2. raciation(人种变异)

3. brown(棕色的 )

4. brunet(棕色的)

5. flesh blond(肉棕色)


brown race ( 棕色皮肤人种 )


1. My brown people now starting to treat me like this -- how come?

译文:棕色人种现在也开始对我这般 ——为什么。

2. And as for outsiders, white, black or brown, tar and feather them, and whip them out of town.

译文:至于那些外来人,白人,黑人或棕色人种, 给他们涂满柏油沾满羽毛用鞭子赶出城去。

3. She didn't understand anybody, particularly the few black and brown folks who were physically deferential and verbally deferential in the presence of whites.

译文:她谁都不理解, 特别是少数的黑人和棕色人种, 他们在白人在场时 唯唯诺诺。

4. But it was pretty clear that whatever you called black independent or brown independent was going to have a shrinking constituency.

译文:但很显然,不论你怎么称呼他们, 黑人或棕色人种的无党派选民 会逐渐减少。

5. All of my students were black or brown.


6. "David Scott Freeman. Hair: brown. Eyes: brown. "

译文:"David Scott Freeman 棕色头发, 棕色眼睛"。

7. So stories of black millennials, brown millennials and all millennials of color really need to be told, and they also need to be listened to.

译文:黑人和棕色人种, 以及所有有色人种 的千禧一代, 他们的故事需要被讲述, 也需要被倾听。

8. Four years old. Brown eyes, brown hair, brown eyes.

译文:四岁 棕色眼睛 棕色头发 棕色眼睛。

9. i'm brown and i talk funny.

译文:我是棕色人种 口音还很搞笑。

10. So if you're black or brown, you can make money and prosper and get rich in America.

译文:所以 如果你是黑人或棕色人种, 你可以在美国赚钱并兴旺发达。

11. i was born brown, i was born female, and i was born Muslim in a world that is pretty suspicious of us for reasons i can't control.

译文:我是棕色人种 我是女人 我还是 这世界对有太多偏见 我控制不了。

12. They were predominately black and brown.


13. Can't have that. Cos drugs come from brown countries.

译文:这个不可以有 因为来自棕色人种的国度。

14. And now, the tradition belongs to these brown and black people, and they use it.

译文:现在,属于这些棕色 和黑色人种的传统回来了, 他们正在使用这栋建筑物。

15. There are no wealthy black - or brown - people in America.

译文:在美国,不存在富有的棕色 或黑色人种。

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