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列强用英语怎么说 列强的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-10-23 12:10:19
  • 217

列强用英语怎么说 列强的英语翻译

列强的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为  Powers,在日常中也可以翻译为"big powers",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到94个与列强相关的释义和例句。


1.   Powers

列强翻译为   Powers。

In 1920 the great powers promised them an independent state.


2. big powers

列强翻译为big powers。

Liberia was never colonized by the European powers.


3. the foreign powers -

列强翻译为 the foreign powers -。

European powers agree to end privateering.


4.   Big Powers

列强翻译为   Big Powers。

示例:The big brands are some of the most important powers, powerful powers, in this country.
几个名牌在这个国家中掌握了重要的权力, 非常强大的力量 超级市场也是一样



1. great powers( 大国;强权;列强俱乐部)

2. Western Powers(西方列强(western power的复数))

3. lepantoes(Lepanto\n[li'pantəu]\n[希腊语] Navpaktos(纳夫帕克托斯)勒班陀(希腊西部海港)\n勒班陀海湾\nStrait of,[亦称作Rion Strait]勒班陀海峡(位于爱奥尼亚海与科林斯湾之间)\n(1571 年欧洲列强击败土耳其的)勒班陀湾大战)


Western power Western powers Western Great Powers ( 西方列强 )

western powers down the path of colonization exploitation ( 西方列强殖民掠夺 )

Powers european powers ( 欧洲列强 )

tandem reinforcement ( 系列强化 )

serial reinforcement ( 序列强化 )

Imperialist aggression ( 列强的侵略 )

European power's interference ( 欧洲列强干涉 )


1. Japan followed the lead of those world powers developing their own imperial colonialism and pursued their objectives aggressively

译文:日本与列强为伍 发展自己的帝国殖义 不断蚕食他国 实现侵略目标。

2. Germany, France, Austria, italy and imperial Japan, prevented China from being carved up into many separated colonies by these allied nations, known as the imperial powers, each vied to enlarge its colonial holdings, but their in-fighting resulted only in an even more chaotic status quo.

译文:势均力敌 竞争激烈 这反而没让中国被分割成殖民地 这些被称为帝国列强的。

3. Within China, the devastating defeat by Japan and the acceptance of the humiliating Shimonoseki Treaty along with many foreign nations won to colonize China became a catalyst for political change.

译文:在中国国内 日本势如破竹的进攻和《马关条约》的屈辱签订 以及众多外国列强试图殖民中国。

4. The West sold weapons to both sides.


5. i do most of my work with the anti- team.


6. "Only by rallying the people, driving away the foreigners, can one save China."

译文:只有唤起民众 赶走列强 , 才能救中国。

7. The great powers of Europe had seen that Catholicism revealed a power greater than theirs.

译文:欧洲列强都看到了教显出 的力量要比它们的更加伟大。

8. An interesting example of how alliances were short lived opportunistic and constantly shift between the imperial colonial nations, occurred during WWi.

译文:一战期间 各国列强 争权夺利 此消彼长 却个个好景不长。

9. neither the late ito-san nor the Western Powers can save your skin.

译文:死去的伊藤君帮不了你 英美列强也帮不了你。

10. Revive the Giant Warrior, defy both great powers, and learn to live with that thing.

译文:复活巨神兵 排除列强的干涉 和巨神兵共存。

11. The Western Powers betrayed us in Paris.


12. Between Japan and China, the Powers can only choose to support one.


13. The Western powers are building all-metal aircraft.


14. This document... how can you explain to the Western Powers?

译文:这个文本 你们准备怎么向英美列强解释。

15. Because here in Mar del Plata we are digging the grave of the FTAA!

译文:因为我们要在马德普拉塔 为列强挖坟墓。

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