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金砖四国用英语怎么说 金砖四国英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-06 06:22:55
  • 128

金砖四国用英语怎么说 金砖四国英语翻译

金砖四国在英语中的翻译是"8 The“BRICs” as the main representative of the emerging countries is admired by its economic size a",其次还可以说成"  the BRIC countries",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到13个与金砖四国相关的译文和例句。


1. 8 The“BRICs” as the main representative of the emerging countries is admired by its economic size a

金砖四国翻译为 8 The“BRICs” as the main representative of the emerging countries is admired by its economic size a。

Meanwhile the BRICS Emerging Powers Summit gets underway in Hainan, in China.


2.   the BRIC countries

金砖四国翻译为   the BRIC countries。

示例:- How many countries in the UN?
158 How many countries in the UN?


3. BRIC Brazil Russia India China

金砖四国翻译为BRIC Brazil Russia India China。

示例:China is adding those cars -- india, Russia, Brazil.
中国正飞速的增加汽车数量-- 印度,俄罗斯,巴西,


4.   bric

金砖四国翻译为   bric。

示例:The trust invests in BRiC countries.



1. Shikoku(四国(日本) )

2. Quadruple Alliance(四国同盟)

3. shikoku basin(四国海盆)

4. Eriocaulon sikokianum(n. 四国谷精草)

5. enicospilus shikokuensis(四国细颚姬蜂)


MSCI BRIC Index ( 金砖四国指数 )

Post BRICs ( 后金砖四国 )

GSSTBRIC ( 金砖四国组合 )

moving on from brics ( 从金砖四国 )

BRIC Opportunities Fund ( 金砖四国机遇基金 )

iShares MSCI BRIC Index Fund ( 金砖四国指数基金 )

Bric Freestyle fund ( 金砖四国自由基金 )


1. But looking at Goldman Sachs' work -- we had the famous BRiC Report.


2. it invests in BRiC countries.


3. He tailed ichi here to Shikoku to avenge his brother.

译文:因为弟弟死在市手上 所以才会追到四国来 打算要报仇。

4. The trust invests in BRiC countries.


5. So i'm going back to Shikoku


6. He was at the Palermo Casino, playing with Four Kings chips. Hm.

译文:他跑去巴勒莫 拿"四国王"的筹。

7. He's from a good family in Zentsuji


8. We'd become the most powerful group in the West between Shikoku and Osaka.

译文:我们将是西部最强大的帮派 势力遍布四国和大阪。

9. Then the Median Tectonic Line right across the middle of the country.

译文:连接四国和纪伊半岛的 中央构造线将破裂。

10. Thanks for subscribing Wealth Co. Unit Trust.


11. i'm fluent in four languages and can wrestle with a menu in five more--

译文:精通四国语言 可以与五个以上的人轮番摔跤。

12. Anyway, you can only get to Shikoku on the ferry, Grandma


13. Eating gold bricks wrapped up in, you know, swans.


14. Try six different casino vaults, all sister hotels to the Four Kings.

译文:找了6家 都是"四国王"的姐妹。

15. i know, but the queen has many enemies Across four kingdoms.

译文:我知道,但放眼四国 皇后树立很多敌人。

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