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三峡旅游用英语怎么说 三峡旅游英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-18 03:32:13
  • 87

三峡旅游用英语怎么说 三峡旅游英语翻译

三峡旅游的英语可以这样说:tourism in sanxia area -,在日常中也可以翻译为"the three gorges tourism -",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到84个与三峡旅游相关的译文和例句。


1. tourism in sanxia area -

三峡旅游翻译为 tourism in sanxia area -。

No, I'm on a vacation to see the famous Three Gorges.


2. the three gorges tourism -

三峡旅游翻译为 the three gorges tourism -。

The tourism space expansion of the Three Gorges Region will develop a Big Three Gorges Region Economic Circle.


3.   tourism in Sanxia area

三峡旅游翻译为   tourism in Sanxia area。

I traveled the Three Gorges.


4. the Three Gorges tourism

三峡旅游翻译为the Three Gorges tourism。

示例:The ferry back to Little Three Gorges leaves at eight in the morning
我们的船明天早上八点就开了 直接去峡



1. the three gorges(三峡)

2. Three Gorges Dam(三峡大坝)

3. three gorges( 长江三峡;大三峡;长江三峡工程)

4. the Yangtse Gorges(长江三峡)

5. three gorges project(三峡工程)


Three Gorges Tourism Economy Circle ( 三峡旅游经济圈 )

the Big Three Gorges Tourism and Economy Circle ( 大三峡旅游经济圈 )

The three gorges golden tourism belt ( 三峡黄金旅游带 )

Three Gorges Dam ( 宜昌市三峡大坝旅游区 )


1. And one of the other things that happened in the Three Gorges -- a lot of the agricultural land that you see there on the left was also lost; some of the most fertile agricultural land was lost in that.

译文:三峡工程导致的另一问题 就是许多农田,大家可以在上图左边看到,永远流失了 许多最为富饶的田地,就这样淹没在了水下。

2. That dam up north caused a lot of problems this year for the farmers.

译文:三峡大坝已造成北 问题,今年农民。

3. Lock down all paths to Fort Luna.


4. The Three GorgeDam has been a goal of our Party leaders for many years

译文:三峡工程的建设 是中国党 几代的理想。

5. So there's a long history of extraordinary state infrastructural projects in China, which i suppose helps us to explain what we see today, which is something like the Three Gorges Dam and many other expressions of state competence within China.

译文:在中国, 非凡的国家大型基础建设的历史 由来已久, 我认为这也帮助我们来了解我们今天所看到的, 例如三峡大坝工程 和许多中国其它的 国家工程 业绩。

6. There could hardly be a greater contrast with the world we've left behind - the glittering promise of Shanghai and the Three Gorges Dam.

译文:我们刚刚告别前途光明一片的上海和三峡大坝工地,而这里与其相比, 反差简直没法更加强烈。

7. So there's a long history of extraordinary state infrastructural projects in China, which i suppose helps us to explain what we see today, which is something like the Three Gorges Dam and many other expressions of state competence within China.

译文:在中国, 非凡的国家大型基础建设的历史 由来已久, 我认为这也帮助我们来了解我们今天所看到的, 例如三峡大坝工程 和许多中国其它的 国家工程 业绩。

8. But Fort Luna is protected by the cliff.


9. You've kept an eye on him since he's been here


10. ...at Channel View Estates...


11. Ever heard of the Three Gorges Dam?

译文:三峡工程你晓 不晓的。

12. it's my dad who owns the whole headland, including the house.

译文:我爸爸拥有整个峡角 包括房子。

13. A tour bus with three cars it chained.


14. - people who travel. - Make the world go away


15. i've no idea. We're building the Three Gorges Dam here

译文:那 不一定哦我们这 儿修三峡大坝。

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