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两个模型飞机用英语怎么说 两个模型飞机英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-01-04 01:45:24
  • 60

两个模型飞机用英语怎么说 两个模型飞机英语翻译

两个模型飞机的英语翻译是"pattern aircraft",还经常被译作zy,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到59个与两个模型飞机相关的释义和例句。


1. pattern aircraft

两个模型飞机翻译为pattern aircraft。

示例:You know, there's a pattern.
there's a pattern.


2. zy


示例:Desperate Dan, flailing Amy, crippled Gary, zy Mike.
饥不择食的Dan,疯疯癫癫的Amy, 残废Gary,撸管Mike。


3. model plane

两个模型飞机翻译为model plane。

示例:BE full to say again, plane an uncle
plane an uncle


4. twain


示例:- Do you like Shania Twain?
- 你喜欢仙妮亚 -唐恩的歌吗?



1. model plane(模型飞机)

2. model aeroplane([机] 模型飞机)

3. pattern aircraft(实体模型飞机)

4. zy( 基茨;模型飞机茨)

5. twain(两个 )


1. - i gotta fly in two hours.


2. Two hamburger. Two hamburger. Two hamburgers.

译文:两个汉堡,两个汉堡 两个汉堡。

3. Particularly about that monstrous boondoggle of his.

译文:尤其是关于他浪费 打造的那架模型飞机。

4. No, the last two, i was flying the plane.

译文:后两个小时 我在驾驶飞机。

5. So here's a model where a two-wheeler washing machine ...

译文:这有一个有两个轮子的 洗衣机模型...。

6. Why are you putting this stupid plane in there?

译文:你怎么会把这架 模型飞机放进去里面。

7. Now when these go out of whack, you have two options.

译文:当感觉和模型分开的时候 你有两个选择。

8. All aircraft, we've got two fires.


9. it's not building, you know, one of your model airplanes.


10. it's a two-seat, single-engine airplane that works just like any other small airplane.

译文:它是一个两座、单引擎飞机 就像其他小型飞机一样。

11. - Yeah, a couple of those.

译文:- 是的,两个。- 两个。

12. So here's a model where a two-wheeler washing machine ...

译文:这有一个有两个轮子的 洗衣机模型...。

13. Of course, this is the big one... but to build a working model in some field or village somewhere... that small planes could actually land on – to prove that it was practical – would only cost about $99,000.

译文:当然,这是个大工程 但是在野外或村庄 建一个工作模型 供小型飞机降落的实用飞。

14. any new types of aircraft; and the caves.


15. it's a two-seat, single-engine airplane that works just like any other small airplane.

译文:它是一个两座、单引擎飞机 就像其他小型飞机一样。

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