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李海燕用英语怎么说 李海燕的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-20 09:37:20
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李海燕用英语怎么说 李海燕的英语翻译

李海燕的英语为"storm petrels",还可以翻译为Hydrobates pelagicus,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到23个与李海燕相关的短语释义和例句。


1. storm petrels

李海燕翻译为storm petrels。

示例:Giant petrels are the vultures of Antarctica and are always the first to the spoils.
大暴风是南极洲的秃鹫 总是最先抢尸体


2. Hydrobates pelagicus

李海燕翻译为Hydrobates pelagicus。

示例:Hydrobates... there's more...
, 后面还有. ,.


3. seabar


示例:- You gonna hook up in Seabar again?
你还会和C Bar同盟?


4. stormy petrels

李海燕翻译为stormy petrels。

示例:Was it raining, or stormy?
有没有下雨 或者暴风雨?



1. sea swallow(海燕)

2. seabar(海燕)

3. stormy petrels(海燕)

4. storm petrels( 暴风海燕;海燕科)

5. Hydrobates pelagicus( 海燕;暴风海燕;威尔逊风暴海燕)


1. Antarctic petrels now join the most southerly bird colony on Earth.


2. After laying their eggs, the petrels take time out to clean their plumage.


3. Who's he? He ran the communist cabaret, 'The Storm-Bird'.

译文:他是谁 他是党海燕剧团的团长。

4. The petrels are too quick in the air and the owl too big to follow them deep inside their tiny tunnels, so its best chance is to grab a bird coming in or out.

译文:海燕在空中的飞行速度很快 猫头鹰体型由于太大无法 一路追踪到海燕狭窄的洞面 所以猫头鹰的办法是 在海燕进出洞穴的时候出击。

5. it doesn't go for a petrel straightaway, but positions itself just outside.

译文:它并不马上追踪海燕 而是飞到海燕洞穴的外面。

6. The skuas can survive further south than any other predator by exploiting the petrels' desperate need for bare rock.

译文:与其他猛禽相比 贼鸥的厉害在于它能在地球的最南端生存 它们知道利用海燕必定寻找裸岩筑巢的弱点。

7. On May 27th, 1949, my father left on the ship Haiyan

译文:我父亲是5月27日(1949年) 坐海燕 那个船。

8. But the skuas have not chanced upon the petrels, they've been waiting for them.


9. 0nce their eggs have hatched, they will be forced repeatedly to make the 600-mile round trip to gather food in the ocean.

译文:一旦小鸟破蛋而出 雪海燕将为觅食而不断往返海陆600英里。

10. Bird's nest is the digested fish and shrimps that swallows eat... which is later regurgitated as saliva.

译文:不是火锅 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}No 燕窝是海燕叼回来那些小鱼、小虾 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Edible bird's nest is salanganes' saliva 在肚子里边消化后吐出来的口水 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}after they digest those fingerlings and shrimps。

11. The snow petrels have arrived and are courting.


12. Now it waits... for a petrel coming in.


13. Quinine trees brought in as a medical crop swamp natural habitat where rare birds like petrels nest

译文:奎宁树原本作为药用植物被引入这里 现在却多得快要吞噬海燕筑巢的地方。

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