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三峡大坝用英语怎么说 三峡大坝英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-10 01:10:18
  • 172

三峡大坝用英语怎么说 三峡大坝英语翻译

三峡大坝的英语为"three gorges dam -",还网络中常译为"three gorges dam -",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到75个与三峡大坝相关的译文和例句。


1. three gorges dam -

三峡大坝翻译为 three gorges dam -。

The Yangtze is already home to the world's biggest dam, at Three Gorges, and researchers have said scores of other DAMS are planned for the river and its tributaries.


2. three gorges dam -

三峡大坝翻译为 three gorges dam -。

The Three Gorges dam, the world’s largest hydroelectric project, has handled a flow equivalent to 90% of its maximum capacity.


3.   three gorges dam

三峡大坝翻译为   three gorges dam。

The Inga hydropower project could generate twice as much electricity as the world's largest dam, the Three Gorges in China.


4. Three Gorges Dam

三峡大坝翻译为Three Gorges Dam。

示例:But with the construction of the Three Gorges Dam historical sites and artifacts will soon be submerged under water



1. Three Gorges Dam(三峡大坝)

2. the three gorges(三峡)

3. three gorges( 长江三峡;大三峡;长江三峡工程)

4. the Yangtse Gorges(长江三峡)

5. three gorges project(三峡工程)


the Three Gorges Dam Project Three Gorges Dam ( 三峡大坝工程 )

the chinese dam bursts ( 三峡大坝的扫射中国 )

Three Gorges Dam Project ( 三峡大坝计画 )

the Three Gorge Dam ( 长江三峡大坝 )

Interception Memorial garden ( 三峡大坝截流纪念园 )

permanent water plant on left bank of Three Gorges Dam ( 三峡大坝左岸永久水厂 )

Three Gorges Dam ( 宜昌市三峡大坝旅游区 )


1. And today... thanks to the Three Gorges Dam the eyes of the world are on this place again

译文:今天 这里又因举世注目的三峡工程 而成为全世 界的焦点。

2. So there's a long history of extraordinary state infrastructural projects in China, which i suppose helps us to explain what we see today, which is something like the Three Gorges Dam and many other expressions of state competence within China.

译文:在中国, 非凡的国家大型基础建设的历史 由来已久, 我认为这也帮助我们来了解我们今天所看到的, 例如三峡大坝工程 和许多中国其它的 国家工程 业绩。

3. So what you see here is the Three Gorges Dam, and this is the largest dam by 50 percent ever attempted by man.

译文:这里大家看到的是三峡大坝 这是人类制造的最大大坝,规模超过第二名一倍以上。

4. So what you see here is the Three Gorges Dam, and this is the largest dam by 50 percent ever attempted by man.

译文:这里大家看到的是三峡大坝 这是人类制造的最大大坝,规模超过第二名一倍以上。

5. if the Three Gorges Project goes through - this massive damming project which the government insists will go through by 2009 - then there'll be many more locks for people to navigate as they go up the Yangtze.

译文:如果三峡项目顺利进行, 坚持于2009年建成那个庞大的水坝项目, 那么,沿着长江逆流而上的人就会遇见更多的大坝了。

6. The Three Gorges is famous for its sheer cliffs and steep mountains... inspiring poets to leave behind beautiful words of praise

译文:长江三峡 幽深秀丽 雄奇险峻...。

7. Lantern Shadow Gorge and 0x Liver and Horse Lungs Gorge.


8. They rush head-on to the dam.


9. Any connection to the dam?

译文:- 跟大坝有关系吗。

10. i've no idea. We're building the Three Gorges Dam here

译文:那 不一定哦我们这 儿修三峡大坝。

11. She's opposed to the sale of the dam.


12. You can see the workings for the Three Gorges Dam which will extend to the other side of the river here.

译文:你可以看见三峡大坝正在建设, 大坝将延伸至河这里的对岸。

13. So there's a long history of extraordinary state infrastructural projects in China, which i suppose helps us to explain what we see today, which is something like the Three Gorges Dam and many other expressions of state competence within China.

译文:在中国, 非凡的国家大型基础建设的历史 由来已久, 我认为这也帮助我们来了解我们今天所看到的, 例如三峡大坝工程 和许多中国其它的 国家工程 业绩。

14. And one of the other things that happened in the Three Gorges -- a lot of the agricultural land that you see there on the left was also lost; some of the most fertile agricultural land was lost in that.

译文:三峡工程导致的另一问题 就是许多农田,大家可以在上图左边看到,永远流失了 许多最为富饶的田地,就这样淹没在了水下。

15. You may have heard of the Three Gorges Dam, pictured here, which is the largest power station in the world, and it's powered by water.

译文:你们可能听过三峡大坝, 图片在这, 是世界上最大的发电站, 它是由水驱动的。

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