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学会照顾动物用英语怎么说 学会照顾动物英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-02-06 12:54:41
  • 59

学会照顾动物用英语怎么说 学会照顾动物英语翻译

学会照顾动物在英语中的翻译是"ZSL",其次还可以说成"see after",在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到63个与学会照顾动物相关的译文和例句。


1. ZSL

2. see after

学会照顾动物翻译为see after。

示例:- See you after school, monkey.
- 我们爱你 - See you after school, monkey.


3. minister to

学会照顾动物翻译为minister to。

示例:But for a minister to pump one-and-a-half million into his local football club!
But for a minister to pump one -and -a


4. seeing after

学会照顾动物翻译为seeing after。

示例:After seeing their mother slit her wrists?
看过他们的母亲割腕之后么 After seeing their mother slit her wrists?



1. zoological society([医]动物学会)

2. minister to(照顾)

3. see after(照顾)

4. seeing after(照顾)

5. ZSL( 伦敦动物学会(Zoological Society of London);伦敦动物学学会;伦敦动物研究所)


1. You know he's a veterinarian? Spends his days caring for animals.

译文:男方是名兽医 整天照顾动物。

2. Y'all got to learn how to take care of people smaller and sweeter than you are.


3. i'm no good with a plow, but i do know animals.

译文:种田我不是很行 照顾动物我可是很在行的。

4. Our medical staff only treats plants and vegetations, they do not know how to treat animals

译文:我们的医护人员只照顾植物 不照顾动物的。

5. And caring for animals is not lowly.


6. it's important to care for animals.


7. Nick, you've got to take care of yourself.

译文:尼克 你得学会照顾你自己。

8. if this is going to work, sometimes you need to let me take care of you.

译文:如果事情能成的话 有时你需要 学会让我来照顾你。

9. Well, yeah, but i gotta learn how to take care of us, you know.

译文:想, 但是我要学会怎样照顾我们自己。

10. We've got to learn to care for each other.


11. You actually, like, learned to take care of yourself?

译文:你居然一样,学会了 要好好照顾自己。

12. - Have the vet put him down!

译文:那我们就把它送给照顾动物的人 让他被咬。

13. Take care of these animals. Take care of this land.

译文:照顾这些动物 照顾这片土地。

14. Then you better learn to take care of it.


15. All that's left is for the animals to line up two by two.


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