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阿訇用英语怎么说 阿訇的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-07 03:39:45
  • 172

阿訇用英语怎么说 阿訇的英语翻译

阿訇的英语是"imam",在日常中也可以翻译为"akhund -",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到55个与阿訇相关的翻译和例句。


1. imam


示例:Do you work for the imam Moussab?
说真的 你为伊玛目工作? 他帮忙照顾生病的囚友 还给我介绍工作


2. akhund -


1. i'm swearing to Emam Zaman...


2. And he said the problem was quite the opposite, that every cleric that she had talked to had shut her down and said that her rage, her sense of injustice in the world, was just going to get her in trouble.

译文:他告诉我,问题恰恰相反, 每一个与她谈话过的阿訇都将她拒之门外, 他们说她的愤怒,她对世界正义的解读 会让她陷入麻烦。

3. For the imam, it was not just the painting; it was really deeper than that.

译文:对那位阿訇来说, 这并不只是图画; 比图画更加深邃。

4. Recently, a prominent imam told me a story that really took me aback.

译文:最近,一位杰出的阿訇目 告诉我一个故事,让我大吃一惊。

5. And it filled this old imam, it filled him with great sadness.


6. What this imam did was to connect her back to God and to her community.


7. And then the imam made an announcement, thanking and welcoming our guests, because half the congregation were Christians, Jews, Buddhists, atheists, people of faith and no faith, who had come not to attack us, but to stand in solidarity with us.

译文:阿訇作了讲话, 感谢并欢迎我们的贵宾, 因为一半的人 是徒、犹太、佛、无神论者, 这些无论是有信仰的人,还是没信仰的人, 不是来攻击我们,而是和我们站在一起。

8. The most amazing thing about this imam is that he didn't ask me anything -- neither a sketch, or what i was going to write.

译文:最神奇的是,这位阿訇 没有问我任何有关 我要画些什么的问题。

9. They even sent liberal imams into the jails to persuade the jihadists that terror is un-islamic.

译文:他们甚至还派开明的阿訇去 劝说主义者,告诉他们恐怖活动是反的。

10. This could be the eccentric leader of a marginal political party somewhere in Europe, or an islamist extremist imam preaching dogma and hatred, or it could be a white supremacist Nazi-admiring orator somewhere else.

译文:他可能是欧洲某个地方 一个小政党的古怪的 或者是一个宣扬教条和 仇恨的极端教阿訇 又或者是一个崇拜的 白人至上主义者演说家。

11. A year ago i was in Tunis, and i met the imam of a very small mosque, an old man.

译文:一年以前我在突尼斯,我在一个很小的寺遇到了一个阿訇 一位老人。

12. My father had to sit in a Friday sermon listening to the imam condemning women drivers and calling them prostitutes amongst tons of worshippers, some of them our friends and family of my own father.

译文:我父亲坐在一个周五的讲道里 在无数信徒面前 听阿訇训斥女司机 她们是女 那些信徒们有的是我们的朋友 有的是我父亲的亲人。

13. An imam helped me get out, get here to iran, and i just want asylum.

译文:一个阿訇帮助我逃了出来 来到 我要避难。

14. We are told that divine knowledge comes down through the masculine, whether it be to the imam, the priest, the rabbi, the holy man.

译文:我们被告知, 神的启示通过男性传播 可以传给阿訇、神父、拉比、圣人.。

15. When i met the imam for the first time, and i told him what i wanted to do, he was like, "Thank God you finally came," and he told me that for years he was waiting for somebody to do something on it.

译文:当我第一次见到阿訇, 我告诉他我的计划, 他说,“感谢主,你终于来了,” 他告诉我,这么多年他都在等待某个人 能够做些什么。

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