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人员基本信息用英语怎么说 人员基本信息英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-27 16:18:41
  • 103

人员基本信息用英语怎么说 人员基本信息英语翻译

人员基本信息的英语是"rudiment",还可以翻译为individual information,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到77个与人员基本信息相关的译文和例句。


1. rudiment


示例:Question, how do you intend to penetrate this lowest rudiment?
问题是 你准备如何突破 这个破烂的工事?


2. individual information

人员基本信息翻译为individual information。

示例:How would any individual feel?
How would any individual feel?


3. progam

4. information basic law

人员基本信息翻译为information basic law。

示例:He came in with a little basic information.



1. essential information([计] 基本信息)

2. progam( 软件可编程端口;显示程序基本信息;消失)

3. information basic law(un. 信息基本法)

4. individual information( 个人信息;基本资料)

5. rudiment(基本 )


1. Now, the fundamental unit of information of a quantum computer, it's called a "qubit."

译文:量子计算机的基本信息单位 叫做一个“量子比特” (qubit)。

2. What i need are SS numbers, DOBs just all the pedigree information so i can run it on my end and we can iD the .

译文:就是所有基本信息 这样我就能在我的电脑查出那个。

3. Now, the fundamental unit of information on all of the computers we're used to, like this one, it's called a "bit."

译文:我们习惯使用的 所有计算机上的基本信息单元, 像这个, 叫做一个“比特”。

4. Keeping it secure is very basic for them.


5. - i need to get some basic information.

译文:- 我需要得到一些基本信息。

6. Dur listening posts pick up traffic between Yamamoto's flag commanders.

译文:我们的人员从山本 指挥官之间的联络中截获信息。

7. Tell him what the Saudi government is thinking. General information.

译文:告诉他沙特的打算 基本信息。

8. And so virtual worlds are the best way for us to essentially organize and experience information.

译文:所以虚拟世界是我们对信息进行基本的 组织和体验的最佳方式。

9. Just getting a baseline reading for the data loggers.

译文:只是准备点基本信息 记录数据日志用的。

10. it's just a skeleton crew tonight.

译文:今晚只有基本人员在 It's just a skeleton crew tonight.。

11. His basic message was unity too, the interconnectedness of it all, the unity of it all.

译文:他所传递的基本信息也是团结在一起, 一切的相互联系,一切的团结。

12. is there anything you know that could help us find who did this?

译文:有什么信息可以帮我们找出作案人员吗? 没有。

13. - Just need basic information ... habits, places he frequently visits ...

译文:我只需要一些基本信息... 爱好啊 还有他经常去的地方...。

14. Just gonna want basic information.


15. Basic passenger info's printed on there, along with passport photos.

译文:乘客基本信息都在上面 Basic passenger info's printed on there, 还有护照照片 along with passport photos.。

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