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病逝用英语怎么说 病逝的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-01-21 13:15:27
  • 121

病逝用英语怎么说 病逝的英语翻译

病逝在英语中的翻译是"die of an illness",在日常中也可以翻译为"  Died",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到77个与病逝相关的翻译和例句。


1. die of an illness

病逝翻译为die of an illness。

The next September, Zuo Zongtang died in Fuzhou.


2.   Died

病逝翻译为   Died。

In the next September, Zuo Zongtang died in Fuzhou.



pass away ( 病故 病逝 )

Steve Jobs passed away ( 乔布斯病逝 )

Disease Equals Premature Death ( 疾病等于早逝 )


1. The next time was... a few years after Kazuhiko had died of an illness.

译文:再见面的时候 已经是和彦病逝后过了几年了。

2. Just 'cause your father died of angina...


3. i don't want to go to Beiping because Dr. Sun died there.

译文:我只是不愿意去北平 中山先生病逝在那里 伤心之地啊。

4. Marnie was in a sanatorium due to the shock of his death.

译文:因为和彦病逝而遭受打击 病倒进了疗养院。

5. But... i don't-- i don't want to speak ill of the dead.


6. i was hesitant as to whether i should tell you about it, but, Mitsuko whom you put up for adoption, died in an epidemic.

译文:不过还是告知一下好了 当初给人养的盛子 在日前于板本病逝了。

7. My father died in January this year


8. My brother got sick again and his wife, too...

译文:哥哥也是之后病逝 嫂子也走了不归路。

9. After recovering Valladolid, Don Enrique departed with 400 hor to Portillo, with the intention of capturing Don Alfonso.

译文:佩德罗·西隆病逝后 他的哥哥胡安·帕切科 维耶纳侯爵 力求恢复统治。

10. So, when i have to tell someone that someone they loved died, it's hard, you know?


11. She's a single parent, he was twelve when his father, a teacher, died.

译文:他没有父亲 当小学教员的父亲病逝时 他才12岁。

12. Unless she really does die of an illness.

译文:- 除非她真的因病而死 - 如果她是病逝 - Unless she really does die of an illness.。

13. But when i was 15, she died.


14. it's probably easier when people are just diseased.


15. while its last Taipan died in a nursing home in London

译文:帝国东印度最后一个殖民地大班 后来在伦敦一家养老院病逝。

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